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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is a bit of a delicate question but the murder has a rich, famous family. Is there any amount of money they could throw at this that would get him off? It's such a public case now, it's not as if people wouldn't notice.
  2. With a great lawyer, in the U.S. anyway, he might have a chance to walk using some kind of spousal psychological abuse defense. Just need one juror to go for that. Not saying that would be justified. Somehow I don't think that kind of defense would play in Thailand.
  3. Vivek, another Trumpist sleazeball. The idea that Biden supports Ukraine's fight for survival against genocidal Putin is related to his son's issues is truly ridiculous,
  4. You're jumping to conclusions. He claims he was being blackmailed with sexual pictures. That's not the same thing as just being outed. But then there is the report that he stole money from the victim to open restaurants. Take all this with a mountain of salt. We don't know caca about this yet.
  5. He's an exceptionally good looking young man. He murdered and threw his own life away at the same time.
  6. Coming next on real house husbands of Barthalona ... Impossible to tell if there is truth in his story but even if there is, it's obviously not the whole story and his victim doesn't get to say. There are a lot of cases these days of people (usually teenagers) committing suicide because of online blackmail over sexual pictures. It kind of makes sense that the flip side of that would be murdering the blackmailer, though in the online scam cases the perps are often overseas. So this murdering twunk comes from a famous family. Did they neglect to top up his trust fund? Will he be able to keep his lovely long hair in Thai prison? Speaking of which, if you're gonna murder someone wouldn't you realize you might get caught? Why travel to Thailand to do it? Surely Spanish prison is a cake walk in comparison. Better yet -- Norway.
  7. Don't get carried away snookums. Dershowitz didn't say Trump is innocent. A literal smoking gun isn't needed to convict people. It happens everyday.
  8. Biden is smart enough to beat Trump from his basement so methinks you mischaracterize his intelligence level.
  9. Well shock is the wrong word, but sometimes he openly says a crime he is going to commit, then he does commit it, so that is being truthful in a very odd way.
  10. He's enjoying being a pariah on Martha's Vineyard too much.
  11. My current understanding is that expats can legally retire in France for under the Thailand financial requirement levels. Of course you'd need a lot of money to live well in Paris but there are many provincial areas that are quite affordable and I think retired expats can get on their health system, even non EU people.
  12. What a waste. He appeared to have everything going for him.
  13. Yeah well the chef angle with someone skilled cutting up meats is an interesting twist. Of course the surgeon victim was also skilled with knives.
  14. I can understand feeling trapped in a relationship by an obsessed control freak. But clearly there is more to the story than that. Thus we need a Netflix series.
  15. His core fan cult base are like turkeys cheering on Thanksgiving.
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