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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The murderer looks like a Chippendale's dancer. This has all the makings of a Netflix series.
  2. Yet 800K is not particularly low from a global perspective. Citing a number of countries with retirement visas where the number is considerably lower (not an inclusive list of all such countries). Cambodia Philippines Malaysia (Sarawak province only) (income method) Portugal (first world country) Ecuador Colombia Peru Chile (first world country) Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Dominican Republic Uruguay Argentina Mauritius To add, the current average U.S. government retirement pension is 59K baht. That is UNDER the current 65K income requirement here, Raise from 800K? Really? Why? (Perhaps of academic interest -- the requirement for South Africa is slightly higher than Thailand and like Thailand allows a combination of income and banked money to qualify.)
  3. I can understand. He's never faced serious consequences for any of his crimes. He's lived a life of epic corruption and decadence. I think prison is scarier for such people. A typical struggling citizen suffers but they don't lose as much as when a "mighty man" falls. If it becomes clear that he finally will face conequences, his predictable next move after the violent threats, will be to try to make people feel pity for him. Don't fall for it. Think of all the people he's damaged over his infamous career.
  4. I see criticism of Magadonians as criticism of anti-Americans. Decent Americans believe in democracy and the rule of law and don't support insurrectionist dictators.
  5. Nixon not even in the same class of criminality as Mr. Trump.
  6. I think any increase will probably be grandfathered but that puts a lot of pressure on people to never mess up or they break the chain.
  7. To be clear, I have nothing against agents or the people that use them. I've never used an agent but I like that's it's an option in case of a desperate situation. I'm talking of course about how most clients use the agents -- to get extensions WITHOUT financially qualifying. Obviously this doesn't apply to the small number of people that are complying but just need convenience. Anyway IF the authorities actually believe that MO MONEY means NO CRIMS, then surely their very first target would be these agents and the people that use them where people everyday are getting extensions showing NO MONEY. Yet not a peep about that! Something is very rotten. Don't tell me they don't know what's going on with the agents. That would be an insult to their intellegence. But I can't for the life of me understand what's the real motivation to basically punish the expats that have been qualifying following all the rules to the letter.
  8. Yeah the same isolationist fascist "America First" types were against U.S. involvement in WW2. Many were openly supportive of Hitler the same way many of these Magadonian types are supportive of Putin. Thankfully, such anti American, anti democracy traitors aren't the majority. But the tragic part is that Putin or whoever replaces him is set on keeping up their genocidal war until the 2024 U.S. election because they know if Trump or a similar maga type wins, support for Ukraine will dry up. America First Committee - Wikipedia
  9. He's obviously a monster but the feds are still living in fear of him and his well armed cult followers and treating him with kid gloves. They ought to warn, one more violence inciting "truth" and we're locking him up and then when he does that, which he will, follow through!
  10. Yes, Biden is a good president, but he could be a bad president and still be much much better than Mr. Trump.
  11. I took a big exploratory trip there years ago. My feeling at the end of it was that I COULD live there (picking the specific location with care) but that I didn't particularly WANT to. So kind of a backup. I still have a list of locations there I am interested in checking out. Before I moved to to Thailand I knew a number of Filipino immigrants in the U.S. Friendly, absolutely. The ones I knew seemed burdened with Catholic guilt. My feeling was that their English speaking ability gives us the DELUSION that they think like westerners when in reality their culture is very very different. We think we get them. I seriously doubt that. As least with Thais westerners generally are fully aware of how different they are.
  12. He's yet to face serious consequences for his life of crime.
  13. As if you can believe anything he says. Presidents aren't in charge of the D.C. city government.
  14. The republican party is too stupid to nominate someone like Christie.
  15. Mr. Trump goes to Washington. It's different this time.
  16. The evidence that is sinking Trump is coming from republicans. This isn't about partisan matters. This is democracy versus authoritarian dictatorship.
  17. You're buying all the Trumpist lies wholesale. There is no basis of discussion possible in this case.
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