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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. In any case, it's obvious now that he's running for president to stay out of prison, not to be of service to the American people.
  2. Checking 14 characteristics of fascism against DeSantis’ actions afer his recent visit to Utah. (sltrib.com) In sum, what we are witnessing in today’s polarized politics does indeed include fascism, embodied and promoted by DeSantis and others on the far right. Those student protesters at UVU had it right. Florida is officially a laboratory for fascism in the U.S. | Salon.com Ron DeSantis is not a "mini-Trump" or some other diminutive. He is much more dangerous. Donald Trump has no "ideology" beyond megalomania and a deep desire to be an American god king. By comparison, DeSantis is far more intelligent and devious; he is an ideological fascist and racial authoritarian. Ron DeSantis Called 'Fascist' by College Director in Resignation Letter (msn.com) The director of New College of Florida's applied data science program has offered his resignation in a letter that accused Governor Ron DeSantis of being a "fascist" over his conservative overhaul of the school. The barely hidden fascism of Ron DeSantis makes a Pa. pit stop on a race to ’24 (inquirer.com) The barely hidden fascism of Ron DeSantis makes a Pa. pit stop on a race to ’24 As the Florida governor cracks down on voting and classroom free speech — he offers Pennsylvania a scary sneak peek at the 2024 presidential race.Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (right) waves after his rally with Pennsylvania GOP The Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, brought his act to Pittsburgh on Friday and left little doubt that he’s running for president in 2024. We need to talk about this, but first, let’s look at the even more revealing event that DeSantis staged right before he boarded the jet for his Rust Belt road swing — a full-on display of what 21st-century American fascism looks like.
  3. Typical right wing projection game. Nobody is fooled.
  4. No, he's objectively a fascist and many people like it. Maybe US mainstream media should begin using the term ‘fascism’ | Robert Reich | The Guardian
  5. It's the truth. Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert (newsweek.com)
  6. I don't like fascists and bigots. Hopefully that isn't most people. But they are awful loud!
  7. What I'm seeing here is people using woke as an attack word just like fascist politician DeSantis. The emphasis is attacking sexual and racial minorities. There was an original definition of woke that is quite nice, but that has been completely perverted.
  8. In other words people you don’t like.
  9. I think there is an ugly thing in the air these days. It coincides with the rise of illiberal and fascist politicians in many countries. Scapegoating and demonization of sexual minorities. It leads to violence, murders, and suicides. Make different people's lives miserable. Now that's perverted.
  10. Brownie points for not saying people are shoving their pronouns down your throat.
  11. If someone hasn't been an expat for a very long time they likely still have a credit report that shows their U.S. address record. Reporting agencies get address information from credit applications. I don't have a clue how SDFCU would view an application for a new account from an American with no credit record. They do reject applications and they don't need to say why.
  12. Translation: Right wingers want to be able to spout willful ignorance, hatred and bigotry and be guaranteed to never face any consequences for any of their speech.
  13. Then lobby for a constitutional amendment or forget about it.
  14. Well, Eugene Debs ran from prison. A Million Americans Once Voted for an Incarcerated Socialist - JSTOR Daily
  15. I wasn't saying it never happened. I said it wasn't common. Stop playing disingenuous mind games.
  16. Google before you tell lies that such things are common.
  17. In other words, people you don't like.
  18. I could care less and wonder why does anyone else. People complaining about this when there are so many incredibly serious issues in the world. Crazy.
  19. Yes, it reflects horribly on the USA that he was elected even once. But cliche time -- fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
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