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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. What's nasty is Trump's behavior to destroy American democracy.
  2. You don't need an excuse. I'm interested in the politics of numerous countries. Namely: the U.S. obviously, Thailand, China, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, U.K., Phillipines, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.
  3. Russians aren't subject to U.S. courts. Russian interference in U.S. elections favoring Trump is a FACT.
  4. Because he leads a fascist CULT and all his fans have lost the plot.
  5. I didn't suggest banning but certain ingredients should be regulated such as trans fats.
  6. But right wing ideologues will call this fake news. Abandon all hope.
  7. Yes it would be allowed because using multiple bank accounts is already has been allowed to meet financial requirements and has been for as long as I remember.
  8. Irrelevant. Some countries have had some success with such taxation. Doing something that helps even a little is better than nothing. Mexico’s Sugary Drink Tax is Working, Study Suggests | Time
  9. True but the foods that can be taxed could still be taxed. Nobody has a 100 percent solution. That doesn't mean do nothing.
  10. Heartstoppers Season 2 has finally come out! You really don't have to be gay to love this wonderful hit series. You just have to be human. That's my running theory anyway.
  11. Finishing watching Dave, Season 3. It's as good as it's been.
  12. I call B.S. So when a company shows PEOPLE of any kind they are representing people. If they're showing ONLY white straight appearing people in their graphics they are not representing what society actually is. It is NOT promotion to show diversity in their representations of people. Again, it's representation. Representation is a GOOD thing.
  13. It's not promotion. It's representation of diversity that exists.
  14. That's fine. I prefer to drink local. My own coffee made at home, ha ha. It certainly "wokes" (sic) me up and gets the bowels moving.
  15. I don't like either of those especially Hemingways. My top choices in Jomtien are Frankies and Marcos. Still mourning the loss of Pizza Art which had some of the best pizza I've ever had anywhere (Neopolitan). For me the taste and texture of the crust is paramount. I think there is good pizza to be had in the different styles as well but not necessarily locally. Believe it or not there is Philadelphia style and I first sampled that in Atlanta and it was fantastic.
  16. They don't demand a tip like Americans but they are very underpaid so suggest tipping. A typical local tip is 20 to 40 baht. 30 is a good tip. Don't consider percentage of bill. Consider the length of the ride, rain, big load, etc. If they have done multiple deliveries and bring cold food maybe don't tip.
  17. The case is the United States of America (democracy) vs. Donald J. Trump (dictatorship). Pick a side.
  18. That's ridiculous. No other retirement visa scheme in the world does such a ridiculous thing. Also O visas are non-immigrant, not non-resident.
  19. No that's what disgraced ex-president Trump has named his followers.
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