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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I'm not going to take on the task of improving your reading comprehension.
  2. Another thing the hateful anti LGBTQ bigots often do. False conflation with pederasty. That's a big thing with the fascist DeSantis movement -- accusing everyone and their brother in law of grooming.
  3. I don't know but I expect nothing but mindless cult behavior from Magadonians.
  4. As usual you disingenuously distort what I said. Doubt away, snookums.
  5. You fail to account for the incredibly strong negatives that Trump has in a general election. So you're suggesting infecting DeSantis with that. If Trump is convicted, a strong majority would not want that traitor pardoned.
  6. Probably the most consequential indictment in American history. Will we preserve our democracy, or not? Trump has been indicted before. Historians say this time is different. - The Washington Post “The crimes indicted are an order of magnitude beyond anything that has been committed against this country by any American citizen, let alone a former president.”
  7. Read it and weep. 'Chilling tale': Ex-FBI official offers stark warning after reading new Trump charges - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism Reading through Donald Trump's indictment for alleged election interference offers a "chilling tale" for Americans who were almost defrauded by their own leader, according to a former FBI official. Former FBI assistant director for counter-intelligence Frank Figliuzzi said on Tuesday evening that American citizens were extremely close to having their civil right to a free and fair election taken from them. Figliuzzi appeared on MSNBC after Jack Smith formally charged the former president with his role in the purported conspiracies to steal the election from Joe Biden. Asked what he sees in the 45-page indictment, Figliuzzi said, "I see a chilling tale of how close we came, all of us, to literally being the defrauded of our civil rights, our right to a free and fair election."
  8. Credible source for all that or it should be ignored as anti immigrant propaganda.
  9. Nobody far from being anti LGBTQ would support boycotting a company because of a depiction of a trans person.
  10. What about vice signalling from bigots? You're free to be anti LGBTQ. To me that's spineless. But up to you.
  11. I call B.S. Everyone is assumed to be straight unless they show something suggesting otherwise. EVERYONE. The same with Christian in a majority Christian country. Etc. If you don't acknowledge that, we have zero basis for a discussion.
  12. Maybe because they want to be a force to oppose ignorance, intolerance, and bigotry.
  13. In other words -- white wash, straight wash, Christian wash, cis wash everything. The perfect dystopian world for the bigot brigade.
  14. It could. But the bigots will jump on the trans thing because that's the fashionable group to scapegoat and demonize these days. Sick sick hateful people.
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