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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Haven't you heard about Jewish space lasers? JFK is still alive and he's been living in a village in Isaan but he will soon emerge and cause havoc.
  2. Well I don't much like their tacos, enchiladas, or anything else on their Mexican menu but I do like their burrito supreme with steak. For me it needs extra hot sauce and avocado though which I do at home. They also do a pulled pork burrito on Fridays only which I also like.
  3. Well, NATO definitely doesn't want to get directly involved. So for Article 5 to be invoked, Russia would need to launch an UNAMBIGUOUS attack on NATO territory. An accident wouldn't do it. Russia doesn't want that either and yes it's a big risk getting so close, but I can't see them intentionally attacking NATO land.
  4. Of course Taco Bell doesn't sell real Mexican food and they do much more than tacos, but authentic Mexican tacos don't use beans. I looked at the menu of the Royal Garden Bell and just as in the U.S., I wasn't tempted. For American style Mexican food in Pattaya, I like the burrito supreme with steak from here and yes there are beans: Hotmeals2u.com Order Quality Food Online all over Pattaya But I recommend adding your own hot sauce and sliced avocado.
  5. Was she aware spending that account ruined your way to stay in Thailand? If so, you've got a bigger problem than your extension.
  6. In this case a few worthless words that didn't address the content.
  7. I realize your views are set in stone. But I will say to others when someone tells you who they are, believe them. Decent Americans that value the constitution do not want a dictator!
  8. Also known as the RST. Republican Suicide Ticket.
  9. Mearsheimer is indeed a respected academic I have watched numerous lectures by him. Then I considered other sources refuting his theories. My conclusion is that he is wrong about the Ukraine Russia war.
  10. So you actually think Trump is a normal politician that has respect for the constitution and democratic norms? Come on man!
  11. That's not treason or insurrection. But not, not to be commended.
  12. Inciting an insurrection (treason). But I'm center left, not left.
  13. Christie speaks the truth now but his history reveals he's damaged goods. But he might end up being the only hope for a somewhat non-maga R to knock out Trump.
  14. Pita does inspire people. He can't easily be replaced in that. So for him to be eliminated is a real loss of hope for Thai democracy. He kind of reminds me of Bobby Kennedy (not his son!).
  15. What's next from maga fascist DeSantis? That holocaust survivors learned useful skills? You almost couldn't make up this slavery was good vocational training absurdity, but heck, it's real. Personally I think DeSantis has lost the plot and now has no chance of being nominated. So someone else who isn't maga could step in but probably not.
  16. Putin is definitely on his way out, but the timing is of course unknown. Russia will need a scapegoat for the war disaster.
  17. OK, this post is a tad cheeky, because it's about a show that I looked into and quickly decided NOT to watch. With the mountains of possible things to watch, I'm sure all of us have our ways of filtering out shows to give a pass to.
  18. The majority of voters NEVER chose him and NEVER will. But yes, tragically, he might take power again (if so, definitely NOT with a majority of votes).
  19. You're projecting again. All that does is tell us what's in your brain. It tells us nothing about Thailand.
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