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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Imagine being an anti-Putin Russian in Phuket going out for a coffee and running into that villain! Do you shake his hand?
  2. Yes and no. He put on the lingerie as a stunt for his channel. It was in a private room adjacent to a public restaurant. But the fool was on hotel surveillance camera. The fool also ignored warnings. Sure he deserves some trouble for that but the question now is how much trouble.
  3. Not fake. She was alllowed to enter and she won. Pretty is subjective. Also pageant judging is based on multiple factors, not only looks. Why do you insist on insulting this totally innocent transgender woman?
  4. I hope they can eventually succeed to take down that bridge entirely. It's war criminal Putin's pride and joy. Crimea is obviously the key for Ukraine to win this war. It's more than about territory. Psychology plays a part too. Russians more and more will view Putin as a weak LOSER.
  5. I'm not optimistic about Pita's chances, but a statement like he made indicates that it's already over. I think the people are expecting more fight. I don't understand why he would surrender so easily.
  6. Russia invaded Ukraine. Putin is on record as wanting to erase the Ukrainian nation. the Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian language (he doesn't even recognize that a separate Ukraine ever existed!) and one can understand from that all the Ukrainian (and Russian) people that it takes to make that happen. I'll agree nothing in human affairs is totally black and white but in some cases, it's close enough for jazz. Nobody is saying that Ukrainians are saints, but what they do or don't do in their own sovereign nation is their business.
  7. Many people see having cockroaches as a moral failing. The roaches could really care less. Just exterminate them and be done with it! My favorite cockroach true story is from when I was living in a slummy urban apartment when I was in my 20s. So many roaches! Roach motels were a vacation for them. So I got an African frog and didn't feed it. What a fat frog! It actually worked.
  8. That's just silly. No amount of money would compensate than being cut off from western trade. Thailand is not on any kind of list, short or long, for Putin's escape plan.
  9. For roaches, crumbs you can't even see are feasts. It's almost impossible to have no moisture in your home and they can survive a very long time just on water. Another funny thing. For people putting out poisons (some people use Borax which I can tell y'all doesn't work nearly as well as the gel) the roaches are genetically averse to LARGE amounts of bait (which presumably are a sign of danger).
  10. I get what you're saying but I'm not so sure. Western officials can come too. He's supposedly (believe it or not) coming because of the large Russian colony in Phuket. Thailand should be careful though -- look what Russia thinks it's OK to do in foreign places with lots of Russians. Obviously they don't want to even come close to risking getting secondary sanctions.
  11. Some funny guy gave me a laugh so I guess I need to explain. Thailand acts in self interest. To give asylum to war criminal Putin would mean sanctions from all of the west as severe as the current sanctions on Russia. Does anyone really think Thailand would be that suicidal? Of course they wouldn't.
  12. Speaking of the Crimea bridge. Breaking news. There were explosions. Crimea Bridge: Emergency incident reported on bridge linking peninsula with Russia | CNN
  13. Every war is different. i'm not going to defend U.S. foreign policy in those places (which I was against anyway). A completely different topic. Just an attempt to shut down this topic.
  14. Thailand would never offer asylum to Putin.
  15. Exactly. As far as cleanliness, sealing kitchen foods well, avoiding any moisture spots, of course that helps with prevention but if you're in a multi unit building the bugs will come in regardless and they require very tiny amounts of food or water to keep going.
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