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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Neither are relevant as he posted totally false information about bottom surgery and refuses to acknowledge that. Pretty sleazy. What was previously posted (an obvious INTENTIONAL falsehood): Likely has had their anus reconfigured into a phony vagina. Bottom surgery does not reconfigure either the anus or rectum into a vagina. 100 PERCENT FALSE.
  2. I'm not giving them money regardless. Shh. But I hope it doesn't last too long.
  3. Louis C.K. at the Dolby Dark and edgy as expected. If you liked Louis C.K. before the "scandal" you'll like this, and vice versa. I'm glad he's back. I'd like to see him do tv series again. I think he's one of the greatest comics of our time. I read a critic of this show saying some of his material was weird because of the scandal and that he didn't address the scandal in this show. I find that ridiculous. Anyone that has followed him would know that his material when he started after the scandal went into that extensively. It's crazy that he should be obligated to rehash that for the rest of his life. For those weaker types that can't stomach that he's still working, then that's cool, don't watch him. Nobody is forcing them.
  4. That's debatable. Yes everyone should be on free Part A You can opt out of expensive Part B but if you ever repatriate the penalties are massive and permanent. My theory is that lots of people who think they will never repatriate actually eventually do.
  5. You could, but that flags you as a security risk.
  6. That senate rules setup isn't a poison pill. It's a poison time bomb. Something is rotten in a state and it ain't Denmark.
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