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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Actually a more typical use of multiple accounts is falling under on your main account and using another account to correct that. Very useful indeed!
  2. I look at this way. Uncle Joe thinks he's up to it. Dr. Jill Biden his very impressive wife doesn't seem the type to support him in this if she didn't agree. Will he drop out? It's possible but I wouldn't bet on it. Trump might drop out also. It is true that there is still plenty of time for it not to be a repeat Biden Trump contest. But that is still the most likely.
  3. Typically such crazy uncles are right wing racists. Doesn’t sounds like Uncle Joe at all.
  4. No democrat of substance will oppose the incumbent unless he drops out.
  5. I never said I knew them all. That's a horrifying thought. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-overwhelmingly-leads-rivals-in-support-from-less-educated-americans Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans
  6. Well Trump voters are much less educated but I don’t know how that correlates to IQ.
  7. Don't be daft. The 2024 election is on. You can't talk about an incumbent democratic president without considering his likely republican opponent.
  8. Well Obama definitely better than Reagan. draft-final.pdf (siena.edu)
  9. It was in a reply where they were mentioned. Are you the post police now?
  10. "They" have an incumbent president with a decent record.
  11. I don't think either Obama or Bush Sr. were great and neither do historians.
  12. I have a realistic mind. Attacks on Biden must be viewed in the context of how the 2024 election is shaping up.
  13. I'm not surprised though I do think their chicken has more seasoning than the new place on LK.
  14. I was aware of how extreme that was but this topic seemed perfect to "update" about the "Nandos" on Soi LK.
  15. I reject your conspiracy theory completely. But humor us, who do you think?
  16. He's basically a corrupt republican. Zero chance to be nominated as a.democrat
  17. That's interesting. https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/presidential-campaign/132052-history-shows-businessmen-make-bad-presidents/ History shows businessmen make bad presidents
  18. As you have a parliamentry system which the US does not. Political realities may be ugly but they are still political realities.
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