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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He clearly wants to swallow Belarus and mobilize the people there. Probably easier for him than a full mobilization of Russia. If this isn't a WW3 already it may as well be. Evil in our midst.
  2. You're POV is transparently hostile. As I've evidenced it's a useful word sometimes. End of.
  3. It is useful here when numerous people have obnoxiously described her as being a bloke. It's a method of CLARIFICATION.
  4. Uh huh. Sure thing. Transphobia: What It Is and What To Do About It? (webmd.com) Transphobia describes someone who has hate, fear, or disgust for transgender people or anyone who does not fit into the male/female gender binary. transphobia - definition and meaning (wordnik.com) Fear or hatred of transsexuality. Transphobia definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com) transphobia (trænzfoʊbiə ) UNCOUNTABLE NOUN Transphobia is fear or hatred of transgender people.
  5. Because some people are trans and that's independent of what gender(s) they're attracted to.
  6. So people you say are scamming that way already. Why demonize LGBT people then? In any case, immigration seems to work very hard to sniff out fake marriages, and people that get caught doing that deserve it.
  7. Financial requirements for Mexico vary based on the specific consulate you use. Yes you start outside of Mexico. So many people go consulate shopping! Laredo Texas is famous for usually being the lowest. Anyway, these are typical current levels. They really do go up (a lot) annually. Another cool thing about temp residency is that you need to show the money ONCE and never on renewals. At the fifth year, you can go for perm status. Financial Criteria for Legal Residency in Mexico 2023 (mexperience.com)
  8. I'm not. I'm too settled in Thailand. But if I was just starting to be an expat still living in the US I would choose either Colombia or Mexico. Colombia has become more difficult but still doable and there are great advantages over Mexico -- lower cost (if you stay out of the tourism magnets) plus the health system is much better especially if you start younger where you can get premium plans that cut off if starting older. Also as far as crime safety goes in general you do need to be on your guard much more in Latin America than Thailand.
  9. On income yes, the level is very high and prohibitive to most. But there is also the SHOW MONEY option. It's either / or similar to Thailand. The level for temp residency if going for retirement status is still at a point that most US retirees would have in their retirement accounts. Many will have the amount needed for instant perm residency (much higher of course). But it goes up every year. Yes, money in retirement accounts (IRA, 401k) is accepted! There is no need to transfer anything to Mexico either. Overall, still remarkably liberal and welcoming.
  10. Many Trump cult members welcome such indictments. They think playing the persecuted will help him win.
  11. Obviously in Mexico expats should avoid living in certain areas. But overall the cartels aren't really targeting foreigners for violence. When it happens, its usually an accident. As most expats there are from the US, crime in Mexico (in the safer areas) can be see as quite tolerable relative to what they're used to in the US. For example living in Queretaro would be much safer than living in St. Louis or Baltimore or many other US cities.
  12. I want a perp walk! The public deserves a perp walk!
  13. It is not politically motivated. Nominating Trump is the best chance the democrats have to hold the presidency. Taking him out before he can be nominated is good for the republicans!
  14. I don't see any evidence yet that Trump will exit the race short of him being put behind bars. He could still run in prison but I think even republicans will understand nominating a jailbird is a losing proposition.
  15. I agree entirely. I first started after a break of several decades also with a small water pipe. It wasn't working for me smoke-wise (so much coughing!) until I played around with the portion of weed in the bowl (doing one small hit at a time). Then I was able to tolerate the smoke and yes indeedy I got the effects. But I still wanted something easier on the lungs so thus the vape. I understand why people don't want to invest much in this "hobby" while the legal situation remains in limbo though. I could have lived with the water pipe for my limited usage but chose not to. People should also understand that there is no need to HOLD in the smoke or vape. A second or two will do. With vaping you want to go slow draw and deep so that will definitely be enough time until you finish the draw, then immediately out.
  16. Got it So you support genocidal war criminal Putin's war of choice against Ukraine. That's indefensible. Putin is on record for wanting to erase Ukraine as a sovereign nation and to erase the Ukrainian language and culture. That is genocide. If he can't have it then he will raise it to dust. You may think anything you like about Ukraine but it's their sovereign nation to do as they choose. Russia must be defeated.
  17. Filtering that through my limited knowledge base mind I'm taking you to mean I'm not going to find a 100 Mbps unlimited Sim but I might find a 30 Mbps unlimited Sim for a higher price than the deal you got before? So I'm back to the choice of which test Sims to buy from that Lazada link. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dtac-24-2mbps-4mbps-8mbps15mbps-20mbps-30mbps-dtac-wifi-i2975561177-s15218584578.html Alas there are no 30s. There is one 15 DTAC and one 15 True. 15 doesn't sound so great. Not sure if they would be unlimited but I can look closely at the translated page. If the 15s are unlimited are those what I should buy to test? I was hoping for at least 30.
  18. Thanks. I wasn't even aware that 100 Mps was available. I thought about 30 was the cap. But based on that Lazada link above 100 is. How much more would 100 cost over 30? Would 30 be good enough if it tested well for my needs normal stuff Plus torrents? As stated before I still don't know SPECIFICALLY which Sims to buy for my tests.
  19. To anyone who can answer. Referring to the Laxada link: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dtac-24-2mbps-4mbps-8mbps15mbps-20mbps-30mbps-dtac-wifi-i2975561177-s15218584578.html I said before I hear buy Sims and I ask don't the Sims need to be associated with a speed / plan to test properly? So I click on the Lazada link and there are 9 choices! For example there are two True 100 Mbps Sims and two DTAC 100 Mbps. As there are two of each, what's the difference? How to choose? Selecting the 100s is correct or not? To see all the available 9 options click on the Lazada link above and click BUY.
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