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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah generally we don't have all the choices, or many choices at all, if we want wired/fiber.
  2. This is what I'm probably going to do. I'm waiting for my TOT/NT DSL to be fixed if ever, but my best option will be upgrading TOT/NT fiber. There is another reason I'm waiting which I'll post about later.
  3. I have AIS on my phone USB tethered to my PC for now. Torrents don't work at all. Messages like several weeks, never goes lower, never downloads anything, is my plan just BLOCKING them?
  4. Good for some to know. Sophon not an option for me.
  5. I am considering but never an issue so far (TOT then NT DSL).
  6. 3BB sounds good, thanks for the feedback, but not an option for me.
  7. I'm back. I have some time to look into this. My current NT DSL is down (for a very long time) so I'm using USB tethering to my phone. But can't download torrents at least with my current AIS mobile package. I would be interested in 3BB (now AIS) but not possible where I live.
  8. Yeah it would be crazy to do that. Many expats don't have a bank account there at all.
  9. If DeSantis is nominated the six week abortion policy will be deeply damaging. An own goal for him as he had a choice. Stupid man and a fascist.
  10. More specifically ... The big problem in Medellin, etc. is foreigners meeting loose women online or in bars who are working in gangs. They're drugged with scopolamine, everything is stolen (the victims help), and often enough they OD on the drug and die. A much lower risk of this in cities that aren't big foreign tourist magnets as the gangs operate where the pickings are abundant and easy.
  11. True that but for me small beach towns way too boring. I love Puerto Vallarta (but too expensive). I could live in Mazatlan though. I like places where everything is easily available (like Pattaya ha ha).
  12. They are in popular Medellin. But coffee region cities such as Manizales and Armenia not so much and much more affordable too.
  13. BTW, Mazatlan (a big beach city) is still a decent lower/mid budget option for beach bound expats. But it's in Sinaloa of the famous cartel. Your relatives will be worried. The interior colonial cities such as Queretaro (getting expensive) offer year round mild weather if you want to get away from heat and humidity. If you like big cities, Mexico City is one of top cities in the world. If you're willing to go with a smaller apartment in a somewhat less popular neighborhood, it's doable on a mid level budget.
  14. There is no instant citizenship there just showing money. Instant perm residency yes. Mexico makes good on their promises. Get perm residency there and it really is for life.
  15. Mexican food in Mexico (especially in foodie places like Oaxaca) is for my taste better than Thai food among the best in the world. For those that haven't eaten there widely, you don't really know about it. But like anything I get bored with local stuff fairly quickly, and want variety. Mexico City would work well for that but Mexico overall is not going to well satisfy international cravings (outside of American) especially for Asian food! So overall I think Thailand wins easily. There are exceptions of course but just talking in generalities.
  16. Yes and no. They've heard about the weed scene here and they're jealous.
  17. Yeah I had a great time in Ziguatanejo too but I would be bored to death living there.
  18. Mexico has massively better for expats residency options than Thailand. The income and/or show money levels go up every year (they have already gotten rather high) but with the right income or show money you can get instant permanent residence! Almost too good to be true. If you're under you can get temp residence and get perm residence in 5 years without ever proving income or money again! I don't really see why most people would bother with citizenship. Some might have special reasons. Even on temp residence you're eligible for very basic Mexican national health. Really not good enough at that level but I guess better than nothing. If you're looking for countries that get you into decent health care systems from the get go, look into Colombia and Ecuador.
  19. But Argentina is kind of crazy with inflation and constant crises.
  20. Mexico has gotten alot more expensive. If you want to live on a budget you need to head to less popular areas. Forget about San Miguel Allende, Puerto Vallarta, Lake Chapala, etc. More off the beaten track by expats places like Aguas Calientes still offer great value. There are also middle level places. Mexico is surprisingly to many a VERY LARGE country. There are lots of options for pleasant affordable living where you can choose your climate and crime level as well.
  21. Latin Americans will expect you to learn the language more than Thais do. Of course you can get by without it in expat havens.
  22. Gringo is much more of a derogatory term than f-rang. Interestingly it is neutral in other countries such as Ecuador. There are numerous reports that backlash/resentment of expats especially digital nomads is on the increase (because of gentrification and the usual ugly American stuff). But overall there are some great reasons to move to Mexico.
  23. First things first. First the MFP needs to form a government. Then if you read the fine print the "promise" is before 2028. That's not very soon. Then after that if/when it happens they would need to need to make decisions about visa policies. Heck we don't even know if they will allow same sex marriages between Thais and foreigners. It could be Thai Thai only. Probably not, but can't assume anything.
  24. Yes exactly. Very revealing. In the unlikely event DeSantis is nominated using that hypocrisy would be good for democratic campaign ads.
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