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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No. The "alternative" president had a Memorial day message as well. Compare and contrast.
  2. President Biden being predictable, dignified, presidential and boring. Gotta love it!
  3. You're way too cynical even for me. Sure both parties are under the thumb of corporate interests. But their ideologies are very different on so many issues.
  4. Still making no sense. The topic is Liz Cheney. She is not those other people.
  5. You can say the same thing (hopefully) about Russian soldiers! Let's not underestimate the evil and desperation of Putin. This is existential for him, literally. No, I don't think he will use nukes, but he might, and he's likely to do everything short of nukes.
  6. No. He'll put an even more compliant Russian puppet in charge of Belarus and that strong man will do their mobilization internally. No need for Russian soldiers.
  7. That doesn't make any sense. She well understood that standing up against the republican maga fascists would end her career. But she willingly took a principled stand. Nothing to do with her notorious father.
  8. I'm in the market for a new one. My criteria are -- reliability good service when there are problems reasonable speed (don't have any kind of job need for the highest though) able to download torrents / Kodi preferably without VPN (uh oh) Cost Cost is my lowest priority. Comments / suggestions are welcome
  9. While you're at it, look up the definition of troll. Ba-bye.
  10. Stop gaslighting. When there was a glut of fish massage, I could see that with my own eyes. Now we have a glut of weed shops, and anyone can see that with their own eyes. No need to answer as you're just playing games.
  11. Yes I have compared to fish spas but those required a much smaller investment and went away because of an "Act of God" -- Covid. Behind the shops is a huge growing industry with everything needed to support that. Making the weed business go away would be a much bigger deal! At this point, I think there will be some kind of weird compromise.
  12. Keeping it real. The most likely matchup will be Biden vs. Trump. Absolutely because of his age, Harris has a good chance of becoming president during Biden's second term if Biden wins. But Harris would need to be one of the worse human beings on the planet to be a reason to vote for Trump, who is clearly one of the worst human beings on the planet. Harris has flaws. They are standard ones. Trump is a criminally corrupt insurrectionist grifter that tells lies at a Guiness world record rate. There is no contest.
  13. OK, I'll go there now. This is a bit of a "trick" poll. There is a right answer and two wrong answers. When I was a teenaged hippie pothead everyone including me held the smoke in as long as possible. We thought that made sense as you were smoking to get the effects, so logically the longer in the lungs, the more effects for the same number of hits. But we were wrong! People doing that now are wrong! You only need it in your lungs for a few seconds. Holding it in for a long time doesn't get more effects. In the case of smoke, it does expose your lungs to toxins for longer. Don't believe me? As they say on the internets -- do your own research.
  14. Just looking around town is enough evidence that it's gotten out of hand.
  15. Who do you think has stopped Belarus from more direct involvement in the war? It's been Lukashenko. Most likely he's been poisoned and yes I think Putin can swallow Belarus. They are almost there already. They are not independence minded like Ukraine.
  16. Standing up for democracy and against fascism is pretty damned impressive in a republican these days. But you're not wrong, ha ha.
  17. Sadly, I think then Putin swallows up Belarus into Russia and mobilizes them for his genocidal war like there's no tomorrow.
  18. I will start this poll topic neutral. Curious to get a clean read on what people are doing. Note: If you don't smoke or vape weed, please don't bother to vote.
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