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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think the maga fascists would support a black person if they were disgusting enough. For example, Candace Owens. I don't think Scott's problem is being black or single. It's being meh. What is he trying to be? Warmed over Ronald Reagan? There is no market for that.
  2. Again look at this from an International perspective. As a generality when countries get more successful they tend to raise the bar for retired expats if they have such programs at all. Try retiring in Singapore. As mentioned the requirements for Malaysia were massively increased resulting in a huge exodus and almost no new applications. Malaysia does have a budget loophole in Sarawak. News is the Philippines will soon kill their famous three years before a visa run scheme and change to 90 days. That will cause a mass exodus. There are examples like this globally.
  3. I'm not suggesting a total purge, but I am suggesting a significant weeding out. We're not allowed to live here because of our pleasant smell. Obviously high value / special skills foreigners will alway be welcome.
  4. This isn't about whether the Move Forward Party agenda is good for Thailand or Thai people. Debate that elsewhere. The topic here poses the question that assuming success of the Move Forward Party to propel Thailand into a "higher level" nation (and that is of course a core part of their goals) would that result in a much harder time for at least some categories of expats? Looking at history and trends in a global perspective, I think the answer is an obvious YES. "Higher level" countries don't rely on tourism as much, don't have scads of flexible visa options, including Buy a Visa plans such as the Elite Card, and indeed most countries don't even have ANY retirement visa program. Of course a "higher level" country will generally have higher costs and a stronger currency, pricing out many even if they can qualify for whatever visa options are left. I'm not sure how long it would take assuming this social and economic great leap forward does happen, but it seems to me the writing is on the wall if it does. The days (more like years) of our "usefulness" to the Thai economy may be numbered. What do you think? Am I way off base or do you agree?
  5. That too as he will likely claim victory and incite violence again, even civil war. You can't win as long as he's around.
  6. Demonizing Soros -- transparent code for antisemitism. The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros (forbes.com) The January 6th insurrection coup attempt was a direct attack on American democracy and it was incited by Donald Trump. Come on January 6th -- it's gonna be wild!
  7. https://www.sfgate.com/cannabis/article/cannabis-farms-infectious-pathogen-18115205.php?IPID=SFGate-HP-Editors-Picks Why wouldn't this be spreading to Thailand? Other than crop devastation, it seems to me lots of THC castrated bud would still be sold at very high prices.
  8. The maga movement actually is fascist and that dark reality should be pointed out loud and clear again and again. https://steveschmidt.substack.com/p/maga-is-fascism There is still time to stop them but not much. Also it's not about left vs right. Some if the most important anti maga fascist voices are conservative Republicans.
  9. That will never happen. He didn’t ger the most votes in 2016 or 2020. But anyone with an elementary knowledge of history would already know that dictators are sometimes initially voted in democratically. Kind of silly basic question to even ask.
  10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathoey "The term kathoey may be considered pejorative, especially in the form kathoey-saloey. It has a meaning similar to the English language 'fairy' or 'queen'.[12] Kathoey can also be seen as a derogatory word for those who are gay.[13]"
  11. I thinks its fine to identify transgender people in the news. That's much better than the right wing movement in the US to make LGBT people especially transgender people invisible and act like they don't even exist.
  12. I feel horrified to see there is such complacency about the threat of Trump taking power again. This plays into his hands.
  13. I don't agree. As republican nominee he would be the leader of the maga fascist party. Similarly positioned state politicians WOULD follow him.
  14. Is the "truth" what you want to hear? It sounds like you think there is something remotely NORMAL about Trump. That Trump vs. Biden or Trump vs. another democrat is just another partisan contest between a republican and a democrat. Nothing could be further from the truth! Again, informed people get that. It's not only informed democrats but most informed traditional conservative (non maga cult) republicans as well. Hyperbole you say? We Don’t Have to Speculate About Trump’s Next Term - The Atlantic
  15. That's easy to answer. More control over more state legislators where they can play games with electors.
  16. Even if he loses he will claim victory and his cult fans are much better prepared than last time to stage a successful coup this time. Of course Trump as he always does will incite violence if he loses. It's very foolish to act like the threat isn't real.
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