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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Another problem worth mentioning. Unless Biden wins with a massive landslide and you know he won't it's clear that Trump will claim he won again if he loses. This time his maga minions will be better prepared to effect some kind of a coup and failing that Trump will obviously provoke his well armed cult of white nationalists into violence. Yes civil war is a possibility.
  2. Not a question. Most Russian draft dodgers don't want to die. Ask them and 99 percent will support Russia holding Crimea and the majority Donbas.
  3. Good point. I don’t notice them any more but at least with those there is a well proven demand.
  4. The US is a center right country. Biden is progressive enough for Bernie Sanders. It would be very easy to wedge right of Biden. The third party candidate if it happens will of course be younger and the old age objections that so many people have are much more of a problem for Biden than Trump. While informed Americans understand that Trump in power again means the end of American democracy, unfortunately the majority including the MSM has normalized Trump. Getting smug about how this can never happen plays right into Trump's hand. That said if Trump picks a nutcase VP. that reduces his chances. But I think he'll pick someone that's more normal. Of course Harris is even less popular than Biden. Not good Danger Will Robinson!
  5. You're forgetting a few things. Enthusiasm for Biden is very low. Chances are good for a low turnout. Minorities such as blacks and Latinos are becoming more Republican. Perhaps worse of all there may be a cynical third party candidate designed to hurt Biden.
  6. Yeah sure. The myth of free markets kind of like a religion innit. Like the alcohol market here.
  7. This reminds me of when I visited Madrid. There was a district that seemed to have nothing but shoes. Of course I bought a pair.. Turned out to be too tight.
  8. Fair point. I fear such gluts will add fuel to.the fire of Thais wanting to relist cannabis as a narcotic with them feeling it is giving Thailand a bad international reputation. Also I would like to see more variety in entrepreneurs taking risks. Most of these weed shops are probably going to fail. Suppose someone took a chance and opened just ONE Ethiopian restaurant here that yes would probably fail but if it didn’t would be a cultural improvement to the city? Also a great kind of food to enjoy while baked! The Thai copycat thing is not wonderful.
  9. There are still reasons to be proud to be American. I want a further step clearly announcing we are with Ukraine until you WIN.
  10. Remember fish massage? I've noticed a similar glut of Indian restaurants but more limited to certain neighborhoods and many Indian tourists do stick to Indian while abroad. Also I've noticed when you talk to the owners they often have other businesses going like import export.
  11. I'm all for legal weed including recreational use but it occurs to me the number of weed shops in Pattaya has reached a level of ridiculouslous that would be hard to believe if we didn’t see it with our own eyes! Many of them are quite large, in prime locations, with fancy signage. No doubt they're all selling buds at highly inflated prices with consumers having no idea if there is ok value in it. It's doesn’t take Warren Buffett to plainly see there is no way there is demand to justify all those shops in the tourism demographics visiting here. No doubt many tourists will try some out as they might in Amsterdam but compare the reasonable number of coffee shops in Amsterdam to the out of control absurdity here. Expats who like weed are finding lower priced alternatives online so they aren't supporting the tourist shops. So even if weed stays legal and hopefully so when are we going to see a massive shakeout of this glut? If you own such a shop, what are you thinking?
  12. Exactly. While no doubt there have been some mockable excesses on the left such as college students being obsessed with microaggressions, what the DeSantis led fascists have done is to pervert a grain of truth into a full on human erasure movement. To their sick agenda the very existence of LGBT people needs to be erased in schools, in media, and ultimately all society.
  13. Could be. You know I was talking about dry herb vaping. Dabs don't Interest me in the slightest but to each his own.
  14. If you wanna dab dab. Be my guest. I started this as a bong topic and it led me to vaping, so there it is.
  15. Trump has signalled in the event of his tragic election he would pressure Ukraine to surrender by cutting off US military equipment support.
  16. Not really the topic here but I think it's like a lot of things When a habit or substance interferes with important things in your life like keeping a job etc. Could be gaming or masturbation or weed, etc. As I said off topic. I'd like to see a topic about weed addiction and how often is too often. But that's complex. Someone might be on CBD daily to treat a medical condition. Feel welcome to start a new topic about frequency and addiction issues.
  17. The serious health risks of dabbing are listed in the article. This topic is about options that are less risky. Of course edibles are the best for that except for increased risk of overdose. But overdose on cannabis is usually a trivial issue as opposed to alcohol or heroin.
  18. Exactly. But just being a republican who voted for Trump should not necessarily disqualify. Not all those that voted for Trump are magas. But as is obvious maga is a cult and its based on worship of a Messianic leader with the belief he can do no wrong. So magas would not be capable of being impartial jurors in a Trump case.
  19. Dabs huh? https://journals.lww.com/nursing/Fulltext/2021/05000/Cannabis_dabbing__An_emerging_trend.14.aspx
  20. If a maga juror could convince the lawyers that they would not be biased toward trump that could be an exception. But magas by definition believe in insane lies such as that Trump won in 2020 and who wants insane jurors?
  21. So I guess you could say I'm no longer confused ha ha. Maybe dazed and not confused
  22. I'm definitely sold on vaping. Those that have been dissapointed with dry herb vaping with complaints such as not enough vape, not getting effects, etc., may I suggest try harder.. There is a learning curve with vaping. Different models have different characteristics. Convection vs conduction is an important difference research before you buy. Experiment with dose in bowl to fill or not, grind level, packing down soft or hard, puffing style, and temperatures. It's important to keep your vape clean as well. The weed can't be too old and dried out Different strains will be different especially very sticky vs not sticky. But it's not rocket science either I'm not very strong on technical stuff and I figured it out so you can too.
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