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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Good politics then to unfairly trash people of non Thai nationality and race. Yes she is clearly doing good work but the xenophobia is sickening.
  2. Why demonize foreign shop owners? I understand promoting local production though. Aren't most Thai shop owners simply profit seeking opportunists the same as the foreign? Your POV comes off as toxic hyper nationalism, kind of like if xenophobic Trump was Thai. Foreigners here have made Thailand their new home. Where is the respect for fellow human beings?
  3. Just make Florida man go away. He's like drug resistant gonorrhea.
  4. You implied both Trump's parents were foreign born. They were not. I don't agree that Trump's grandfather's misbehavior is irrelevant. When he goes to Germany and claims some kind of kinship the German's know that when his grandfather tried to return there, they kicked him out! The context of Trump being by far the most disgraced American president in history (and also a corrupt draft dodger and proven tax cheat) is also relevant.
  5. It's not legal in Thailand either wink wink nod nod.
  6. Not exactly. Trump's father was born in the U.S. His mother wasn't. His German grandfather also left less than honorably (to avoid taxes and the army which brings some context to chronic tax grifter and "Bone Spurs" Donald). It's not surprising people think as you do. Trump himself has lied about where his father was born (on brand).
  7. Weed may be a double edged sword but at least decriminalization allows both the public and the cannabis businesses pursuit of happiness.
  8. So he's a logical man. Not a bad trait for a competent president.
  9. They make fun of Trump because he acts like passing a dementia screening test is a bigger deal than getting invited to join Mensa. The reason Biden won't do it is a basic political risk calculation. The potential damage of getting one or two questions wrong would be much more serious than just not doing it. That might make the Let's go Brandon brigade bonkers but such types would never vote for him anyway. 270 electoral votes. That's the contest Don't need everyone.
  10. It never hurt Amsterdam tourism. Let a billion pot plants bloom.
  11. Just watch him. Joe is running. Not Hunter.
  12. Oils are good but for someone that wants to experiment with the plethora of strains available these days, they are very limited.
  13. Roy Wood roasts Joe Biden at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Start at 4:19:30
  14. So you're vaping oil not dry herb? If so why not try dry herb on lower temps so no clouds of vape?
  15. I find your comment disingenuous. Groups don't function as monoliths. To blame all LGBT for the negative aspects of circuit party culture is as daft as blaming all white people for American college fraternity initiation hazing deaths. The vast majority of gay men in the world have not been to a circuit party, never will go to a circuit party, and arguably don't even want to go to one.
  16. Circuit parties don't represent the whole LGBT world. As mentioned before they are designed to be exclusionary.
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