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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Disagree If you get a visa without qualifying there is definitely corruption involved.
  2. I will not. But if real licenses were offered I would consider in the same way so many people use Visa agents without qualifying.
  3. Please stop speaking for me. It is extremely obnoxious. I understand the situation completely.
  4. Harsh considering there are some fools that don't realize they have a fake.
  5. Yes understood. But the scammers probably avoid lots of flak sending something.
  6. But there is something less dead here. Wouldn't f rangs welcome corruption in licensing in the same way they welcome corruption in visas IF the licenses were as legit as the immigration stamps? If not why not?
  7. I'm not struggling at all. My point is that if these agents offered legit licenses without needing testing at the licensing place they would be exactly the same flavor of corruption as visa agents that don't require meeting visa requirements. The problem here is they are not offering real licenses. If the visa corruption is acceptable to us what's the difference? Yes I understood these license scammers are not offering legit licenses.
  8. Will they give a discount if you tell them you know it's a fake but you're only looking for a souvenir?
  9. Is there.any value to having a fake license? Such as getting the Thai price at national parks etc.?
  10. It's funny that American right wingers forget about fiscal conservatism the moment they are in power.
  11. Do you think these guys have offices you can visit? The visa agents do.
  12. So extensions done without meeting financial requirements are scams too according to your logic. This ain't Kansas. To me the core issue is whether you get an actual license or not.
  13. My big complaint about US Ukraine policy is out of fear of Putin's threats, we won't announce that we are comited to support Ukraine to WIN the war defined as kicking out Russia of all occupied lands including Crimea.
  14. How about -- judged to be a rapist by a jury in a civil trial. Do Americans really want a man judged to be a rapist as president?
  15. Russian army went from second strongest in the world to second strongest in Ukraine.
  16. Would they work getting rental cars abroad? How would they know what Thai DLs are like?
  17. I have seen these ads and perhaps naively thought they had a connection on the inside and were granting real licenses for a premium corruption fee. Similar to visa agents that sell real immigration stamps to unqualified applicants TIT. How do we know they are fake licenses?
  18. So of they got people actual licenses they would be OK? What happens to people who try to use such licenses?
  19. Independent thinkers are appreciated. Dreyfus is very vocal in advocating old fashioned civics classes in schools I heartily agree. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/richard-dreyfuss-condemns-donald-trump-as-an-intemperate-meanspirited-lying-bully-a7153281.html "Richard Dreyfuss has condemned Donald Trump, calling him an “intemperate, mean-spirited, lying bully”. The 68-year-old actor, who is best known for his role in Jaws, argued that if someone would not grant the Republican presidential candidate permission to marry their daughter then they should not allow him to run the country." My favorite Dreyfus movie.
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