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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Believe me I know all of that and more. I was a teenaged pot head for several years. My current bong is small so I wouldn't be sipping from that.
  2. The reason the democrats are not holding debates is not because Biden can't debate. It's because he's a successful incumbent who is not facing a serious challenge by anyone. IF it happens that an activity competitive democrat decides to challenge the incumbent then the democratic party would definitely hold debates. But that's unlikely. Some examples: Newsome Buttigeig Klobuchar
  3. Does DIY sell double or four flames? My Dynavap was working with my original two flame when it worked. Couldn't make a Bic work. Bought a cheap single torch then the Dynavap didn’t click so combustion. Got a single torch from Lazada. Its defective. Gets too hot to use quickly. Vape doesn't click. I'm close to throwing the Dynavap (which as I said I suspect is a copy) out my window! Looking into the Fenix line. Forgetting the mini I'm leaning towards the Pro. Convection so can taste the terps. The 2.0 is reviewed as producing somewhat better vape than the Pro but the Pro reportedly is unusually easy to clean. That tradeoff makes sense to me for the Pro. https://vapefully.com/product/fenix-pro-vaporizer/#cgkit-tab-description
  4. I'm not as optimistic as you are. Emotion is a huge factor in voting which often trumps policies American's attention span is about 5 minutes. It's impossible to predict the political climate at the time of the election. But I still think almost impossible for Trump to beat Biden.
  5. Actually it isn't. He's the incumbent and he has a good record of accomplishments to run on.
  6. He's president actually. The real one. Not the cosplay one in Malo Lardo.
  7. Conspiracy theory garbage that mirrors Kremlin propaganda.
  8. Who can beat Biden? Definitely not Trump. But the Republicans are hell bent on nominating the Biggest Loser. Never look a gift grifter in the mouth.
  9. DeSantis is a maga fascist with just a different presentation than Trump. Biden would probably beat him.
  10. I get what you're saying but I don't see how the timing of that would work to realistically replace Biden. Harris would also obviously lose. There are some democrats who could be competitive against a non maga fascist republican but we'd have to know early enough and we won't.
  11. Much more likely maga fascist trump will drop out for health reasons to avoid the humiliation of losing again.
  12. DeSantis won't even run and neither will Master Race Tucker. The Republicans could beat Biden if they back off from fascist maga. Such as with Sununu or Youngkin. Some would add Christie to that list.
  13. I think it matters. Most expats wisely avoid becoming legally vulnerable. For most of us our residency here is on thin ice. If they have to backtrack like this I hope they can come up with a compromise. Something like needing to register ID and to state medical reasons such as back pain. But frankly I think the new global perception of Thailand as Amsterdam 2.0 has been a massive benefit for Thailand.
  14. Kennedy is rising? Dude, there won't even be democratic party primary debates.
  15. I've noticed that Thai people often have a problem with non Thai typical spices such as in Indian. Sichuan hot pot includes numbing Sichuan peppers and that's definitely weird for them. Authentic Asian food of different kinds often contains meat with more fat and gristle than most westerners like and then there is also all the offal. I would say if you are served hairy meat something went wrong.
  16. Another outside the box idea for him. Going full Kremlin might be too much for his brand to absorb, but perhaps he could move to Hungary and start a European fascist network. He would certainly be welcome there. That leaves him a path to return to the US later which I think going full on Kremlin would preclude. Yes, I'm serious. Tucker Carlson Has Seen the Future, and It Is Fascist (nymag.com)
  17. It's hard to imagine him winning in the general. Yes it was hard to imagine trump winning in 2016 but their fascist ideologies are so similar that I can't see the majority going for that again after the experience of insurrectionist trump.
  18. I don't know why he was fired. Maybe it was as simple as his ratings didn't justify his salary. But unlike the notorious white nationalist conspiracy theory monger Tucker C. it's hard for me to imagine much of a career for Lemon after CNN. Where does he go? I doubt MSNBC wants him. He's not the kind of icon that can go independent. Perhaps another podcast!
  19. Because I've looked at them and I know low quality when I see it. To make matters worse the vendors have pricing power because it is a black market.
  20. How do I know what? Anyway cannabis is the role model. Thailand can be the global hub of sex toys! Also AI sex robots.
  21. A number of them. https://www.thoughtco.com/presidents-and-vice-presidents-chart-4051729
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