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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You can buy online for both Central and Villa. Central through Tops online is free for orders over 900. No need to go into Pattaya at all for groceries unless you're a masochist.
  2. Maybe its the Songkran all month farce?
  3. Don't get me started I might have a flippin' flashback
  4. Marjorie T Greene, Trump, Tucker, and Putin thanks you.
  5. To "progressives" Jews are too "white" to be considered "real" minorities.
  6. If being a Jew is a breach of peace the police need to do more to protect Jews from Jew haters, not threaten to arrest Jews for being Jews.
  7. Correction. I meant married to a non Mexican. Could be a Thai If you're married to a Mexican you can get residency based on the marriage rather than retirement finances.
  8. There are visa lawyers but to get the initial visa it must be done OUTSIDE of Mexico so that is not done with agents. Once you're in Mexico, there are further processes to go through at Mexico immigration. Then there are renewals, possible citizenship applications. For the internal stuff, many people do use lawyers. There isn't a forum comparable to aseannow for Mexico but there are lots of links and hundreds of youtube videos on the retirement process. There are some cool things lawyers can help with. For example, if you're married to Mexican including same sex, one person can get the temp or permanent residence and then later in Mexico, you can add the spouse without them qualifying and they get the same residence status. There even a path to residence in Mexico without ever applying for the initial visa anywhere or showing any finances. It's based on living in Mexico for a long time for a specified time period and whether Mexico renews the program or not on an annual basis. So it's a crap shoot. It's called REGULARIZATION. Mexico's offer is great. With an initial temporary residence based on show money (can be in retirement accounts) outside of Mexico, you can begin a path towards permanent residency and even citizenship without ever showing money again and never an import to Mexico requirement. Or if you have the funds, get perm residence instantly. Perm residence is for life.
  9. Hi there, Based on a report here some years ago, I think it probably IS possible to apply for temporary or permanent Mexican residency via the Mexican Embassy in Bangkok. HOWEVER, as I recall from the report, as they don't do many of these in Thailand they send everything to Mexico for approval, and they will be interpreting the requirements in the most rigid ways. They don't want to send an application where there is any doubt. On the other hand at a Mexican Consulate in the U.S. it's all done right there. So probably possible, but arguably not recommendable. If doing this in the US you are free to shop for a friendlier consulate. They each have different styles and even financial levels! Laredo Texas is reputed to be the most liberal. If you try Bangkok let us know how it goes. Where do you plan to live in Mexico? Buenos Suertes.
  10. Don't play games. It was killed because wannabe dictator trump ordered it killed so that he could save the border crisis issue for his campaign. He didn't want to solve it. Trump is a total sleazeball. All about him. Nothing about improving the country.
  11. The more upset that traitor troll clown is, the more you know you're doing something right.
  12. The trump cultists hope we'll forget. It's a fair bet unfortunately.
  13. Rebuilding Ukraine? That's for after Ukraine wins. If Russia wins that's on Russia.
  14. The argument is that people elect representatives and leaders are tasked with making hard complex decisions. The vast majority of Americans support helping Ukraine.
  15. Simplistic thinking This isn't a zero sum game. If the US and the west caves to the authorisatarian axis power of Russia, Iran / Hamas / Hezbollah, China, North Korea and Putin's inside man Trump, the eventual degradation of quality of life in the US and west will be exponentially worse than increased debt. To add the Ukraine aid is mostly not increased debt. It's sending arms that need to be replaced anyway.
  16. Who hasn't penetrated themselves with a vibrator on a public beach in the bible belt?
  17. Stupid irrelevant post. One lone wolf madman. The Trump cult has done a hostile takeover of the entire republican party. You're beyond the pale -- basically a maga cult bot. Bye.
  18. No, because objectively anyone who is sane knows that is not. You're in the personality cult of a horrible man. There is no reason for people to even bother talking to such people, unless they're professional cult deprogrammers.
  19. Yes Trump, Johnson, and the MTG clown should pay compensation for all the wounded and dead Ukrainian defenders that they are culpable for by their treasonous 6 month delay.
  20. It's amazing that there are still people including the majority of Trump republicans that seem to actually believe the TOTAL LIES you're pushing.
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