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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The most powerful and effective female politician in American history. She also knew the right time to step down from leadership unlike the tragic example of Biden who waited until the last minute ruining the chances of avoiding what happened.
  2. So you don't care about real justice. only partisan political revenge. Typical maga autocratic dangerous garbage.
  3. All the banks "have to" but Kbank is the first to take the action they did with emails.
  4. Breast milk is a gateway drug Philadelphia freedom me arse.
  5. I hope Nancy gets well soon. She's an incredibly accomplished woman.
  6. Another one that doesn't get how different things are now. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/11/22/trump-second-term-transition-differences-00190775
  7. I use BB for all my delivery orders. I have experienced Panda refusing it on a few occasions (like you, for no explainable reason whatsover). So then I might do a COD order if I really still need the order and LATER it works again. Go figure!
  8. I'll hold back from worrying about a Barron based dynasty until he EVER opens his mouth in public to speak. The public doesn't even know what he sounds like. Why is he so quiet? Does he sound like Pee Wee Herman? I have gotten the impression that helicopter Mama Melania doesn't really want Barron to be infected with Daddy Trump's stink though as he's an adult now, it's up to him. He is tall though. That's generally a plus in politics. However, he's freakishly tall which likely cancels that out. I suppose he does likely share the politics of Daddy, though I think if he flipped the script and went anti-Trump, he could really be something special.
  9. If you're stupid, then I'm stupid. My favorite charity: Home - Larkin Street Youth Services
  10. Yeah a "joke" like saying Puerto Rico is a pile of floating garbage. Meant to insult and degrade.
  11. Not at all. Hitler was on their cover too.
  12. Common sense? That's rich. More like blow up everything chaos.
  13. You're joking, right? Why Adolf Hitler Was TIME's Man of the Year for 1938 | TIME
  14. Not if they don't have your correct email.
  15. Highly doubtful. But possibly they might bother people the next time they do into a branch to do some bid-nes, like a new bank book or ATM card.
  16. The CRS one is international but I understand ignoring it.

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