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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I expect the rubble to be down at least 25 percent this year. It's being artificially propped up right now and that isn't sustainable. The energy they sell is deeply discounted.
  2. OK. Here's what I had heard and I'm not suggesting that it's necessarily true but it is interesting. The story goes a hotel in Pattaya was telling distressed Russian guests that they could go to immigration and request a "safety" extension. I assume that if the hotel did that they were confusing this with Covid extensions which have stopped. As far as I know there is no war based safety extension.
  3. I heard some kind of rumor about that but are you suggesting that they're seriously considering it?
  4. Treasonous nut case. That she now wields considerable power in congress poorly reflects on America's fascist maga party and the hayseed white nationalists that voted her in.
  5. They can fly out. Land crossings now require an appointment giving them time to investigate the people. They can fly back in. Military age men that have been abroad for multiple months are subject to interrogations and device inspections. Speaking out against the regime is severely criminalized. No not to North Korea. Too much like home. A few by boat to Alaska though! Also at the Mexican border.
  6. I've heard estimates that as many as a million have fled. They are showing up all over the world where they can get in. Many bring their families. Babushkas are staying though.
  7. Russians have developed niche companies that facillitate Russians abroad using their bank cards. They pay a fee for that of course. I heard something new and interesting yesterday. Russian companies fearing they will lose key male staff to Putin's meat grinder are sending them abroad to work remotely for them. Amazing. There was talk from their regime of making it illegal to employ Russians remotely but I guess that hasn't happened yet or isn't enforced.
  8. Sure fix it by raising the income cap for ss taxes. Sorted. I don't like the idea of raising ages. Americans aren't living longer. More like the opposite. The minorities that tend to die earlier before any claim are basically being financially raped.
  9. And we're all convinced that you're an objective judge of Biden's competence.
  10. If Russia wins the last thing you'll get is the truth. It's cool that we have Russian partisans here. That spices things up.
  11. I don't like Thailand's neutrality but I really can't blame them. But when countries like Thailand and Mexico play the neutrality game they really can't complain when they are considered less than top tier globally.
  12. You have painted a very false picture. People who are interested should visit for at least a month and decide for themselves Like anywhere there are pros and cons and different aspects will carry different weights depending on each person's priorities.
  13. The area excels as a total package. The most popular beach resort city in Asia it is very easy for expats to settle here.
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