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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Indeed Tate could have continued spewing whatever toxic garbage online that he wanted to, and continued to scam people with overpriced "courses" a la scam Trump University, if he had not allegedly committed multiple very serious crimes in Romania. Of course he should get whatever fair process that Romania may offer to determine his guilt or innocence, but as so many of us are expats here, he's subject to the Romanian system, not the US or UK one. He's not being charged by Romania for being a grade A misogynist A hole which of course he is. He's under investigation for extemely serious crimes that will be putting him away if convicted.
  2. One of the darkest Jewish terrorist actions in Israeli history, yet you disingenuously present this out of that context. Typical.
  3. Funny not ha ha funny how you cherry pick stuff to present your narrative. The very controversial historian Benny Morris that you cite on another post has the view that if Israel becomes one state as you advocate, it will be DOOMED because of demographics. Duh! I get it. The Israel demonization brigade sees no value in Israel being a majority Jewish state. Is it any wonder that the vast majority of Israelis, the majority born in Israel, the majority without European roots, do? You don't have any REALISTIC solution. Just pie in the sky stuff that will never be agreed to by both parties. I do think that some kind of binational one state compromise is something both sides could be OK with eventually (maybe) but it would never be as you describe. Israel would never agree to a plan that guarantees it's own extinction. Do you think Israeli Jews are SUICIDAL? American Jews may be so, but they are very very different than Israeli Jews.
  4. Because he became a Florida man, the New York statute of limitations on this case no longer apply. Time to arrange the new drapes at his prison cell?
  5. In other words, woke or anti woke has nothing to do with Tate being arrested in Romania. It does have something to do with Tate's internet popularity among many right wing misogynist types. DIFFERENT THINGS!
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  7. His arrest has NOTHING to do with all that but hilarious to read your post as I'm sure it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory that represents the views of many.
  8. A REAL conservative worthy of REAL respect. DeSantis is a MAGA fascist, not a conservative.
  9. Not true. That's an unfounded personal attack. Keep on the topic which isn't the members.
  10. This is a forum so it's a free space for people to express their opinions. My opinion based on evidence that I have read about and viewed is that the chances that Tate is innocent is well under one percent. Again Romania law is based on the Napoleonic code.
  11. People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own FACTS. 29 percent support among "Palestinians" Two state solution isn't even raised as an issue in Israeli elections. Blinken is still pushing it. It's become like a clueless western fetish. Neither side is interested. Time to face REALITY. Palestinian support for two-state solution losing ground, poll finds - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
  12. LGBT plus blacks plus all Americans that don't approve of Latino migrants being abused for political stunts is hardly a small minority..
  13. Unfortunately this is old from 2014 but you can see the trend. Mounting Pessimism about Two-State Israeli-Palestinian Solution | Pew Research Center Seriously, anyone that doesn't know about this reality has not followed the situation in the region for a very long time! Living in the past is not going to cut it, dudes. People in the west can chant two state solution till the cows come home but if the people involved say forget about it, better freakin' listen to them!
  14. Tate is obviously a criminal. He has admitted to several serious crimes on video that you can access. This has nothing to do with woke or no woke. Nobody is suggesting that anyone be locked up just for being a notorious A hole which of course Tate is.
  15. He didn't help his case but publicly bragging how he could bribe his way out of any legal problem in Romania. Maybe he could have BEFORE he opened his big mouth. I assume they have something like FACE there.
  16. That map is anti-Israel propaganda. It greatly distorts the reality. Of course I'm talking about modern Israel except all of the West Bank and Gaza. Helen Thomas (who I generally greatly admired) was an ARAB (Lebanese) AMERICAN, not a Jew. Cheers.
  17. I agree he is rotten but he's still the leader of Israel and it's an inconvenient truth that at this stage in history NEITHER SIDE has strong support for a two state solution. So REALISTICALLY if people hope for any inprovement, they're going to need to come up with ideas that can realistically gain majority support on both sides. Good luck with that.
  18. On the topic of the artificial nature of Palestinian Arab identity. Be clear -- I am not suggesting the Arabs in the area shouldn't have rights whether Israeli citizens, Gazans, West bank Arabs, or the diaspora. Only to clarify what we're dealing with here: POLITICS. Yes, Palestinians Are an Invented People | RealClearWorld
  19. Well, good luck, but hopefully most of us aren't living so close to the bone that we couldn't handle a delay of perhaps some months in getting benefits restored. I assume once an expat knows for sure they've been cut, that social security would priortize such cases at least somewhat.
  20. He has no charisma except for nastiness. See how well that plays over the long term.
  21. How did she define Palestine? If she meant the internationally recognized borders of Israel, that comment was disgusting, I find its necessary for people to define exactly what they mean on such matters. Otherwise you don't know if they're "river to the sea" types.
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