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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Bottom line. You can skip the report. There are no consequences to skipping the report. I would go so far as to suggest NOT to do the report. HOWEVER, You cannot and should not skip following the minimum balance requirements. That will be looked at during your next extension and if you haven't complied, EXPECT a rejection. Talking about standard applications, not agent applications.
  2. Yes this was a very uneven exchange but clearly in wartime Russia Putin wasn't going to budge for anything less.
  3. What that scumbag genocidal fascist is doing is obvious. He is very threatened by Ukraine hitting high value military targets inside Russia as if Ukraine has any choice on the matter if they want to survive. So he says they won't do first nuclear strike. But it's still a direct threat because all that means is that if it happens he will do a false flag game and blame the other side for the first strike. Caving to his threats is not an option.
  4. Don't get too comfortable. These things are cyclical and attention eventually focuses on retirees as that's how cycles work. You did bring up an interesting point about the Russians. They are now flooding Jomtien and an unknown percentage are here to flee Putin's Russia (not on a holiday). Staying long term here will be very difficult for many of them.
  5. Again, I'm happy that she's free but I don't like that Russia will be using this deal for their fascist anti LGBT propaganda. As far as I'm concerned the west is at war with Russia now, and the west NEEDS to win. I hope this doesn't foreshadow future unfavorable deals trying to reach peace in Ukraine prematurely.
  6. First they came for the ED visa holders ... you know the drill.
  7. I'm happy for her but the Russkies sure got the better deal Hey folks stay out of Russia. It also kind of fits Putins propaganda narrative. Look at the big fish we got in exchange for a lesbian that we consider worthless. The west sure is messed up.
  8. For many Indonesia (Nosinesia?) just moved from their bucket list to their "Phuket" list.
  9. Mr. West keeps on going. Now advising Jews to forgive Hitler. Jews reply -- blank you very very much. Nobody is stopping his free speech. There will always be right wing extremist media where he can show up with a hood over his head that his speech will be amplified internationally. One bit of good news I heard is that his online fan groups are largely closing up or drying up. Normally I say separate the person from the person's art product, but in his case, I'll make an exception.
  10. Well I've been to Bali and had a good time but really don't see the appeal of moving there. I already wasn't planning to go back to Indonesia but now even more so. Also these laws obviously make all gay sex illegal if it wasn't already. Shooting themselves in the foot. Let them stew in their extremism.
  11. I don’t see military service as a requirement for high office but it does show civil minded character when someone from a rich family has volunteered for service as did John Kerry.
  12. I would not try two accounts if one is used as a credit card security. That is asking for trouble. Otherwise multiple accounts are generally allowed but its more complicated for the officer. I have always made a withdrawal on the day I get the letter. That is standard. You can also do a deposit.
  13. He won because of white resentment in 16. Then he lost in 20.
  14. They are not for profit! They exist to serve their members. Members are actually owners. Banks exist to serve shareholders. Banks generally have more services. Open with BOTH if you can.
  15. I have my social security check deposited there monthly, which they like. I use them to wire funds to Thailand which I can do online, which I like. I would advise you that IF you are able to successfully open your account with them, you'd be crazy to close it. Definitely keep it as a backup.
  16. Public places. A bank is a PRIVATELY owned space. They are free to make their rules.
  17. So where a mask while in your bank. Is that a big problem?
  18. I agree. Trump is obviously spiraling out of the picture, but tragically Trumpism has infected the American (and global) political scene and will be with us for a very long time. Definitely most republican politicians want to see Trump himself out of the picture ASAP.
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