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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thanks. Also wonder about Stremio which is something I use regularly. I assume there would need to be World Cup addons and I don't see them.
  2. Watching later is something I would consider. So you're sure that site will run the World Cup? The only matches where Live would be more important are the U.S. ones getting to the later stages.
  3. Are you saying you watch things live on your TeamViewer remote device? I have a similar setup for U.S. logins but I would think watching most of the World Cup live using TeamViewer would be an abuse of our free accounts (if even possible).
  4. Maybe it would be healthier to seek fun outside of politics.
  5. Indeed. But this was an important battle won to save American democracy, but it's not the entire war. The Trumpist fascist MAGA side is still at it. The struggle is not over. Trumpism has NOTHING to do with regular republican values.
  6. No. It's not only about trump. It's about Trumpism. The party has been infected with it. DeSantis is a Trumpist too in different clothing. If the republicans are to turn away from Trumpism which is largely anti democracy fascism, they will need to move in another direction. Not necessarily Liz Cheney, but definitely not DeSantis. They have a chance to do that. So far I see no sign of it.
  7. Many of us already figured this out. There was a similar member report on the same subject many months back. The subject is at Jomtien immigration office (not sure about Chonburi office or the few other offices doing this) expats doing their annual retirement extensions based on a bank method (800K, probably combo too) are given a page ORDERING them to come in after 90 days to show proof they are still in financial compliance (still have 800K in the account and never under one baht). It's rather intimidating but in reality you DO NOT need to actually do it. How do I know? It wouldn't be prudent or diplomatic to share all the details or name names of exactly who I spoke to, now would it? But it was definitely something that I learned from a reliable source and I think others should know, take it or leave it. So you can choose how to react to this information. This is the information. There is no consequence to ignoring the report. Doing it or not is entirely UP TO YOU. The reason the order exists is so that if you don't comply with the actual balance requirements throughout the year your next extension will be denied, and the order is stictly a CYA move so that if that happens, you won't have a leg to stand on to protest that. Summary: The minimum balance requirements are real. You MUST comply! 800K two months before extension appointment 800K three months after extension granted 400K for the rest of the year up until 800K two months before NEXT extension appointment The "show money" order is not actually a rule you must follow. It's something they do the drive the message home that you must comply with the ACTUAL balance rules. So you can ignore the order but you can't ignore the balance rules. Also: The 90 day "show money" rule whether you choose to do that or not (again you do NOT need to) has nothing to do with 90 day address reports (which are seperate and you DO need to do those). While I don my flak jacket, I hope that most of you will take this shared information in the spirit it is given. To be helpful.
  8. My theory is that they were so thirsty for liberal tears that they are in hospital on IVs now that they didn't get any.
  9. Do you mean you would need a BBC subscription or anyone?
  10. The latest. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/11/12/arizona-governor-vote-count-update-kari-lake-katie-hobbs-pivotal/10675267002/ Katie Hobbs grows lead over Kari Lake in latest returns from Arizona governor's race Hobbs still narrowly ahead. Lake can.still win but it's becoming more unlikely. Lake making Trumpy noises if it turns out she doesn't win by the normal method of getting the most votes pretty much assured.
  11. Yeah I could definitely do a Paid VPN. Any company suggestions? I was wondering if one of the free VPNs would work. Sounds like some possible solutions here. Thanks for posting about them folks. How about Kodi build info for the world cup?
  12. Help! I'm sure I'm the only one. I understand it might be shown on Thai broadcast tvin Thai (but I don't even have Thai broadcast tv). So that leaves alternative methods. What is the simplest way (if any) for those that aren't already set up with some kind of IPTV sports package to ONLY watch the World Cup and no interest in anything else? It seems excessive to pay for some kind of subscription service for only one (albeit huge) event. About VPNs, does it need to be a paid VPN? Personally, I have an Android TV, Android phone, and PC computer. The PC or TV would be best. Is it true with a VPN on your PC you can access UK tv to Watch the World Cup for free? If so, what are the details. What about Kodi on Android TV? (Specific details?) Anything else?
  13. Lake is currently behind but it's too close to call as so many votes not counted yet. There is very slow very careful hand counting going on of Maricopa County votes the largest. She may win but to me the most obvious outcome will be she will lose and not accept the result as that kind of Trumpy misbehavior is basically her brand. She is a very slick polished and thus very scary communicator of anti democracy pre-authorisation far right wing extremst ideology.
  14. Those are real questions. It depends on the individual like most everything else. I need to supplement my modest social security income with retirement account withdrawals and I'm comfortable with the 4 percent rule. So unfortunately there does need for some assets ( stocks bonds cash) to always be there to draw upon for life. But some people care a lot about leaving a big legacy and others would rather it be as low as possible to still keep an adequate base for drawing income. So yep you die with that. I don’t think stock is just paper. It represents ownership of part of a business with a fluctuating value. Of course the price of buy and sell is critical. If you're a longer term investor if the stock is down you haven't lost anything unless until you sell. Of course and others have mentioned your age and health are relative. So 25 year olds should view things differently than older people. But here is an example. Microsoft stock. While a young person could wisely buy it now a person looking at a shorter long term view like perhaps five years will probably do well too. So yeah more worse case scenarios it could go down another 30 percent from now but odds are very good it will pay off within five years probably much sooner. You can't pick bottoms and you don't need to. Of course some companies go to zero. Microsoft won't in the foreseeable future. These age health personal calculations as far as investment ranges are somewhat similar to the decisions Americans must make when deciding when to start benefits. I went with 62.
  15. That's Senator Fetterman Sir to you. I am confident that if it turns out that he can't perform the job because of his stroke that he will eventually resign to be replaced by a pick by his democratic Governor. That is unlikely to happen but Fetterman did flip the seat regardless.
  16. I would qualify that in my experience more traditional conservatives are reasonably humane towards people with health challenges (while usually resisting spending public money to help enough) but more modern MAGA types being an obviously fascist movement have a greater tendency towards mockery, bullying, cruelty, intolerance, and downright nastiness.
  17. He'll literally just say anything, won't he? Could be he's laying the foundation for an insanity defense. Could be a strong case. But how would reflect on the country that put him into power and the party that caved into his every bizarre whim?
  18. An interesting story. Is it possible (I don't know as I and the vast majority of expats use Thai baht accounts for visa qualification) that immigration uses only the FX on the day of application and applies it to the entire year? It was still over 800K at the application, correct? Did he tell you he saw that you did not comply at some points in the year because of FX changes but he will let that go? Of course if it was policy to use the application date rate and you were over 800K at that time, then the rule would have been applied correctly. If anyone can speak definitively to their policy on FX, please post. Back to more usual BAHT accounts, I recall that there have been reported cases when an expat fixes an error on the same day where that is allowed. I don't go to bars.
  19. Because unfortunately it doesn't work in the American systems. It spoils things for either of the two other parties.
  20. Well it looks fairly likely now thar the democrats will win control of the senate soon so in that case they wouldn't even need Georgia. They only need 50 because of the VP. It's been leaked that Trump is afraid delaying his running announcement after November 15 shows weakness. Amazing. He's right about that. But he is weakened and that's a fact. So it now looks like he will probably go ahead on the 15th. The Super Maga cult bless their dear insurrectionist hearts must be in a frenzy.
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