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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Some for sure, those that can. Younger educated people like in Russia. Continue voluntary internal sorting between states. I would predict blue states ignoring the MAGA minority rule fascist regime resulting in violent conflict and division / civil war of some kind leading to nobody knows.
  2. Yes Pattaya is still the best of all possible worlds. The baht bus fare is still 10 baht. Come on down You won't regret lt.
  3. No. Pointing out what those candidates intend to do if elected. Overturn elections as was attempted before.
  4. Perhaps this will explain the situation to you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/03/obama-says-democracy-may-not-survive-if-arizona-republicans-win/ Obama says democracy ‘may not survive’ if Arizona Republicans win The warning Wednesday in Phoenix illustrates alarm about voters putting a slate of election deniers in charge of the state’s elections
  5. You might want to think twice before sporting a Hitler costume next Halloween. Hitler Halloween costume leads to Wisconsin man's firing | AP News Hitler Halloween costume leads to Wisconsin man’s firing
  6. Exactly. It's an atrociously bad fit and he lacked the self awareness to realize that before he bought on the role.
  7. Again Biden is right. The MAGA people will probably consolidate their power permanently by 24. Then non MAGA people that thought gas prices which presidents don't control are more important than avoiding a minority rule totalitarian regime as hard to shake off as Putin might regret it but then it will be too late.
  8. I find your post incredibly disingenuous and I'm sure you know this is about a much much more severe issue than doubting. But get real MAGA doesn’t care about democracy at all. They care about grabbing power by any means necessary including violence and once consolidated never letting it go. This shouldn't be partisan as Liz Cheney gets. One or two MAGA state secretaries overturning the will of the people in a presidential election and then we are basically Russia or Hungary. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/02/trump-backed-secretaries-of-state-could-flip-2024-election.html Trump-Backed Secretaries of State Could Flip the 2024 Election By Ed Kilgore Even as Congress investigates Donald Trump’s attempted 2020 election coup and considers reforms to the Electoral Count Act of 1887 that aided his schemes for overturning the results, the former president is working hard to undermine future contests around the country. Beyond supporting gubernatorial candidates who have endorsed his election conspiracy theories, Trump is aggressively intervening in state contests for a less high-profile office: secretary of state.
  9. You can't unite with fascists that are against accepting election results if they don’t win.
  10. Not at all. The republican party is dominated by people that want to grab the power to end elections that allow anyone except their crew to win. They almost pulled off a coup in 20. They are fixing to seize permanent power like Orban and Putin holding show meaningless elections indefinitely.
  11. Biden is right about MAGA Republicans but overall not enough voters of any flavor seem to care enough about this historically top issue. If MAGA wins in 22 and 24 the American democratic experiment is over.. Authoritarian governments are usually first voted in and then you don't get to vote them out. This is sad and tragic.
  12. There probably won't be a trial. If there is of course press will be allowed but that doesn't mean it will be televised.
  13. Plea deals are arranged between prosecutors and defense attorneys The client must agree or it won't happen. There is no need to prove guilt in court with plea deals People are tripping about this. Of course it's a different ball game if it goes to trial. Of course it's also possible that because this is such a highl profile politically charged case that the prosecutor might choose to not offer a deal. I assume they will have a super strong case and they might not want to give him any breaks on sentencing. Or the defense may choose a trial and use the insanity defense. Wait and see.
  14. Sorry to bring the bad news to those starved for entertainment and cheering on a civil war but its highly unlikely there will any trial at all. Like the vast majority of cases there will be a plea deal. More so even in this case because the charges are very serious and he's obviously guilty. The defendant would need to be even crazier than he obviously is to insist on a trial. https://www.californiacriminaldefenselawyerblog.com/97-criminal-cases-resolved-plea-arrangement/ "97% OF CRIMINAL CASES ARE RESOLVED BY PLEA ARRANGEMENT" Also the San Francisco authorities are under no obligation to release any tapes or videos. Ever. Maybe they will be released but there is no obligation so don't hold your breath. The MAGA fanatics are going to continue to believe their absurdities regardless of any releases or trials. They are not about truth. They are a fascist movement only about power by any immoral means possible. The Justice system doesn't exist to feed those insurectionist trolls.
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