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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You ain't whistling Dixie.
  2. Refugee or expat? I wasn't aware that SA is a source of refugees these days.
  3. I find very little of the criticisms from the Trumpist side to have merit, but I think we should be honest in the rare cases when they have some kind of point. While there is clearly no equivalence, there is at least something to that criticism. Trumpist believers in the big lie suggesting that Biden was never legally elected, being supportive of the January 6 failed coup attempt, and using illegitimate in that way, is incredibly extremist pro authoritarian, and a direct assault on the very core of American democracy. I don't think anti-Trumpists used the word illegitimate very often at all (even if you can find some quotes) to refer to defeated President Trump, but we did very often say and feel things like NOT MY PRESIDENT. I can't speak for everyone that felt that, but my thinking is that we were accepting that Trump was legally elected and could legally take (legal) presidential actions but that it was so outrageous that such an obviously constantly lying criminally corrupt (for basically all his life) narcissistic clownish demagogue was so offending that we couldn't personally relate to him (or his cultish movement) as something that we could ever be associated with. Each person that felt that kind of thing, he's not my president, would put it a different way, but I don't recall hearing sentiments that he was not legally elected. Sure there were complaints about the electoral college, legit complaints, wanting to change it though a legal process (not a violent coup) but that is the system. These two videos show how radically different the two sides were in response to election defeats: Called Trump the same night to concede then speech next day. Normal behavior. Expected honorable behavior. American behavior. Falsely claimed victory on election night. Never conceded or even called President Biden to concede. To this day, he has not conceded. He obviously will never conceded. Abormal behavior. Anti democracy behavior. Anti American behavior.
  4. I recommend this place for you. There are plenty of empty houses to choose from and the rent is very low. Perhaps you can barter for dancing lessons. It is plenty quit. There are only three other humans and one dog. Make sure you don't speak Russian. These guys will bore you to death if you do. The variety of food (if any) is very limited so you will have the spiritual growth of avoiding swimming in sensation and gluttony. There will be plenty of projects. Small scale agriculture, building a boat, trying to persuade the local officials to build a bridge. If you make it out alive you will definitely know a lot more about yourself.
  5. With a mug like that, I'm sure he'll fit right in in the hoosegow.
  6. It's 10 baht all the way to Pattaya North road. However ... It's always 10 baht to Pattaya Klang but a minority of drivers will demand 20 going to North so just pay it without protest. If a bus is very empty especially if you're the only passenger yes its polite to pay 20 but not required. Of course once past Pattaya Tai they might not continue on 2nd so when that happens pay the 10 and continue by walking or a new bus. BBQ
  7. Knowing Trump it would be shocking if he didn't do grifts like this. The "hilarious" thing is that he's still the leading republican. What does a guy have to do to lose his base?
  8. That's interesting. Maybe the "famous" South African guy I met many years was also Gernan or perhaps he was head of marketing. In any case I almost bought a unit in a VT residence and the build quality did impress but last minute I got cold feet.
  9. That's interesting. I ran out of my stash of Gillette Fusion Power 5 blades and tried the Watsons 5 no power. The Watsons blades literally don't cut it for me!
  10. Yes, I know and love that food, but are you referring to a specific restaurant? 14 Essential Sichuan Eats (Beyond Hot Pot) in Chengdu and Chongqing (seriouseats.com)
  11. For me that would be Chinese. I find Thai boring in comparison. China offers an amazing breadth of regional variations. If you're talking about what most westerners thing of as Chinese standards, well that's about one percent of it.
  12. Not built by same company. The towers were built by a Thai company. The residences and villas were built by a South African developer. The build quality on the latter is better. Keep on mind that once built condo buildings typically transition to their own management structures / outside contractors which have nothing to do with the builder.
  13. More like WWIII every day. With Iran in Israel may follow on the non terrorist Ukraine side.
  14. What province, state, department, or oblast of another sovereign nation has the US illegally annexed in modern times? I think none. Mexico may want to steal parts of New Mexico back. Mexico could waltz in and have sham at gunpoint "elections" without approval of Washington and declare those regions now part of Mexico. They were before so OK right you likee? To add Kyiv was an important city while Moscow was just empty fields. If Ukraine had nukes and Russia didn't surely it would be acceptable if Ukraine announced that Russia never existed and Ukraine was coming in to annihilate Russian nationality forever Good for you? To add please enjoy a nice bowl of borscht. A classic dish originated in UKRAINE.
  15. Better idea. Putin send all your soldiers out of all.of Ukraine. Invite all Ukrainisns that prefer dictatorship over democracy to become Russian citizens IN RUSSIA.
  16. About Putin's genocidal intentions towards ALL of Ukraine which were his original war goals, history teaches us when such men tell you what they want to do, BELIEVE THEM! Opinion | Putin’s Genocidal War - POLITICO Opinion | Putin’s Genocidal War The West cannot allow the attempted destruction of the Ukrainian people and their state to succeed. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine represents the first interstate war in modern times where the stakes are both the survival of a state and an entire nation. In the 20th and 21st centuries, major wars and conflicts have often threatened the sovereignty of states or the survival of stateless peoples and national minorities. But this war is unprecedented in putting both at risk. This is why "negotiation" land for peace will not work. So let's say Ukraine concedes some land and there is a pause for months or years. Who will maintain that status quo? As long as Putin or Putinista types or worse are in power in Russia, they will only wait until they can go in again. If Russia takes it's stolen land just a little bit further towards Odessa and beyond, then Ukraine would be landlocked and Russia could then easily crush it. The only solution for Ukraine is a very decisive military win.
  17. Acting like Putin is someone you can negotiate with unless and until has run out of options. Who invaded huh? Who gave a genocidal speech denying the very existence of Ukraine huh? Putin followed a folly. Ukraine is fighting for its existence. To add -- kindly desist from your emoji stalking behavior. Seven in the last two hours.
  18. Context would help. Biden stated that unhinged psychopath Putin was sane in light of his nuclear bullying to walk back previous statements saying the opposite. Quite obviously for strategic diplomatic reasons which I really don't agree will be helpful. As if Putin is really going to launch or not based on a stated opinion about his sanity or insanity by Biden. Anyway it's clear to me that Biden's earlier opinion is what he actually still thinks.
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