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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Cuba has come a long way baby since the Mariel boat lift. It's interesting that very Catholic very macho Latin America has been a hotbed of expanding gay rights while in should be secular USA such rights are being attacked by the fascist party there.
  2. They might but there is still time to fight for rights to be codified by congress.
  3. Haggis is an abonominarion. Haven't been there but I'm sure I would love the cultural offerings in Edinburgh.
  4. AGAIN, you've established that you want to live in Scotland. Fine. AGAIN, on what basis do you think you will be ALLOWED to live there? If you have no such basis, what's the point of this? Scotland immigration is not separate from U.K. immigration. Ancestry won't help you unless you have some kind of British connection such as a Commonwealth citizen. Kind of like Americans who are always threatening to move to Canada or New Zealand if such and such wins an election, when most of them have no eligibility to do so, and just assume that they can.
  5. Uh huh. Have you looked into Portugal? They have very popular wide open residency programs, better food, better weather, and plenty of villages.
  6. Politically he would be easier to beat as so much baggage with his criminality
  7. Agreed. It's not a mental health issue as it is for narcissist Trump. But even though I wish it wasn't so, there is an obvious decline in sharpness over the years with Biden which if you saw in a relative you would legitimately wonder if it's age related deterioration of some kind. I think Biden should seek an objective evaluation from a highly respected medical specialist on aging. If the conclusion is there is nothing substantive to interfere with serving as president then make that public. If there is, then don't run again. I know some partisans will say don't draw attention to this issue but it's not going away and it will be a major part of the opposition argument if he does run anyway. A president's health is a very legitimate issue. Facing the question honestly and head on will be respected by independent voters who are the group which will determine the winner.
  8. Trumpism dominates the republican party It's a neo fascist white nationalist authoritarian movement that asserts there is no objective truth or reality so traditional political debate on policies becomes impossible. If it triumphs constitutional American democracy is over. A core value of Trumpism is if the Trumpist candidate doesn't win by old fashioned vote counting, the actual result is always illegitimate and if it is possible to reverse the legal result by force either violent or by way of Trumpists being in control of the election processes, they will try to seize it. A classic dark game of autocrats from the right or left. This Trumpist anti democracy rot has infected all levels of American politics from school boards to presidents. Trump not running again unfortunately does not kill Trumpism. DeSantis who would be favored as the republican presidential nominee if Trump doesn't run is trying to be Trumpier than Trump.
  9. Polling thus early is noise. If Biden decides to run as incumbent he will not face any serious competition in the primary.
  10. It's doubtful the masses will be storming the Kremlin but the political winds have changed and an internal coup has become more likely. It's impossible to predict any details but I wouldn't be betting on Putin being in charge for many more years.
  11. Its not that simple. Biden when elected was one of the most experienced politicians ever elected president. He represented a return to normalcy after the total insanity of the trump term. Yes when you elect someone that old the downsides of old age are part of the package. A political decision was made that Biden was the best option with the best shot at beating trump. He did beat Trump so it's hard to prove that wrong.
  12. I think by now most Russians know they've been lied to about most everything they've been told about the war in Ukraine.
  13. Possibly but that's not what I meant What I meant is that if a dirty deal is done where Russia steals more of Ukraine its possible that things change in Russia in a direction where they will stop at that.
  14. It's a given that Ukraine and the west won't recognize those areas as Russia. It's a given that Ukraine won't treat them as Russia. It's possible that the west will chicken out and pressure Ukraine to accept a dirty deal where those areas are accepted as Russia by cutting off their weapons. Then Putin could be given a face saving victory. Timing is critical.
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