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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think most likely the Trump Organization is now a dead organization walking. This is devastating to that family crime operation. I wouldn't worry about Ivanka ever starving though.
  2. Your post is all over the place but yes of course convicting with jury trials is unpredictable. It just takes one juror to stop that as I know full well as I hung a jury myself. Garland is careful and clearly understands that indicting a former president will be historic. The cases need to be perfect. In general (there are MANY potential charges) a particularly difficult challenge is to prove criminal INTENT beyond that crimes were done. The New York case will be much easier to prove being a civil case. However, there will be referrals to criminal charges emerging from this civil case. The Atlanta case also nothng to do with Garland is proceeding towards indictment as well. There are more. He will be indicted on at least one felony charge coming from any of these places, most likely more, but again you are correct indictment isn't conviction.
  3. Well even if best case scenario Russia does a 180, the damage is done and Ukrainians will be hostile towards Russia for generations. Putin claims Ukrainian identity separate to Russian identity should not exist. Arguably Putin has been a grand champion of strengthening Ukrainian national Identify. The amount of long term damage that Putin has done to his own country is awesome. You can't just instantly reverse pariah status.
  4. He's toast and he knows it. But as he's cornered he's more desperate than ever. He has no legitimate defense so he's back to inciting extremist cult violence as on January 6th.
  5. Unknown but based on war games such a scenario will lead to full blown nuclear warwith Russia, Europe, and North America destroyed plus nuclear winter. But if lucky some heroes in the Kremlin will take care of Putin.
  6. That seems excessive but if that happens it won't only be Moscow, it will be Europe and the USA too and nuclear winter. War game models have shown if you start with one tactical nuke, it always leads to the worse case full on MAD result. That doesn't prove that will happen in real life, but it's not encouraging.
  7. What Trump faces is much more serious even if they can't prove damage. It sounds like you haven't really followed this case closely. Also the documents are just a part of the potential charges against trump regarding the insurrection and election crimes as in Georgia. At this point there is zero doubt he will be indicted on at least one felony crime, likely multiple. As far as the secret service thing, yes, that's the point. Secret service can't operate in prison and if convicted that will be a big part of the reason why they can't send him to prison.
  8. Crimes were obviously committed by Trump at Mar Lago with the documents. I am not a court of law but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that already. My understanding is that as an ex president secret service protection is still required for life. A president has never been locked up. Where did you hear that a convicted president loses his right to secret service protection? Yes this topic is specifically about the New York case regarding his persistent business corruption, which yet again, anyone with an ounce of common sense already knows that he's guilty.
  9. We can't really know what Putin is exactly thinking but it is documented that he is obsessed with what happens to toppled dictators like Gaddafi. He's fighting not only for his own political power survival and legacy but also for his own life. How much does he really case beyond his own life which indeed is probably over if he is forced to give up power? We can't know and there is a big danger there. If he doesn't care at all, what's it to him if he blows up the world?
  10. This case will most likely succeed and it's very notable that it not only goes after Donald Trump but also his grifter children. This has the real potential of killing the Trump business empire. It's beyond the financial fines. What banks, etc. are going to want to deal with these characters?
  11. A perp walk? Probably never. They'll spare him that for political reasons. Prison? Probably never. Same reasons including the need for secret service protrection. Incarceration at Mar Lago instead. Felony Indictments? Definitely. More likely after the midterms. Felony convictions? Probably but it only takes one trumpist juror to hang. This civil case in the news doesn't involve "the" AG, but rather the New York AG.
  12. Agreed. He is bluffing. But he's playing with fire which is a major understatement.
  13. If they fail to show up at the military office they face charges so how many can afford Elite visas?
  14. You might think I meant that the west must respond with a nuke after the first Russian tactical nuke. Of course they wouldn't but they have already promised some kind of more severe response and I think they would definitely meet that. Then it would be in Putin's court. This is very very dangerous.
  15. Yes and no. Practically speaking let's say Putin uses a tactical nuke in Ukraine. Then the west MUST respond in some way. Then escalation to total nuclear war becomes not only possible but arguably likely. This is what Putin is threatening and he knows it and the west knows it. Which is why I think he's bluffing. He doesn't want to actually go there but he reckons the threat can save his own ass as well as creating a plausible victory in the war to officially annex new territories. But it could easily backfire and then the world will be truly screwed.
  16. He is bluffing. He lost the war. He will annex the occupied territories. That puts him in a stronger negotiating position to end the war. But should Ukraine accept that? Up to them.
  17. I'm calling it here. Citizen Donald J Trump WILL be indicted on multiple felony crimes. Exactly when? Impossible to know. Teflon doesn’t last forever.
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