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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I recently learned about Planet 13, a new concept U.S. cannabis company that focuses on building destination worthy cannabis Super Stores in tourist destinations. While many might object that such a store would suppress more bohemian Amsterdam style "coffee house" culture, to me, this concept seems made for Pattaya. Like a casino, drag show, or aquarium but all about the cannabis. So how do you feel about this? Assuming and I do assume that weed liberalization is here to stay in Thailand. You're welcome to respond. I have done so here. Do you think such a store would overall be a good thing for consumers and the industry? To me, there are obvious pros and cons. Do you think it would be popular with tourists? I would say you can bet the house that it would be very popular. Would you go yourself? You betcha, The Planet 13 location in Vegas -- BTW, Planet 3 is a penny stock that you can invest in. Planet 13 Holdings Inc. (PLNHF)
  2. Dogs don't see color? Maybe it's possible to responsibly own that breed but naming him Nazi wasn't a good sign.
  3. Yes. He insisted on an exception to go there by the Beast instead of by bus for very good security reasons. However, the Beast got stuck in traffic resulting in Joe and Jill Biden needing to wait for further back 14th row seats than they would have gotten if they weren't late. Don't be late for such a momentous funeral.
  4. You do realize all of those Venezeulans that were cynically hijacked for a xenophobic troll theater in the Vineyard are in the US legally as asylum seekers, right? I used to live in a red state nowhere near a border. There were tons of immigrants a d yes many undocumented. It's a totally fake issue that they stay only in border states. BTW, the labor of immigrants is desperately needed now.
  5. The republican trolls are not interested in solutions. God forbid they should support a comprehensive immigration reform bill.
  6. It was a stunt. A very mean spirited one at that. Migrants will usually try to head where they have existing connections especially family if they have any. As far as Venezuelans they can't be deported back to Venezuela and probably most of them that have connections have them in Florida. Remember when republicans were supportive of refugees from authoritarian regimes when those regimes were communist? An exception was when Castro specifically shipped over LGBT Cubans, the republicans did not like that at all.
  7. If you had been you would understand that location was picked solely for TROLL purposes. DeSantis is out to out trump trump. Not to actually work towards actual solutions to serious problems but strictly to own the libs. Also the migrants were lied to and made fake promises. SLEAZY!
  8. Calling a spade a spade. Decent Americans don't want to unite with fascists. They exist of course but they need to be sent again into the shadows or American democracy is over.
  9. Pro authoritarian, anti democracy, crazy conspiracy cult of personality, fascists.
  10. They're telling us what they are. There is no mystery. The question is will Americans have the will to stop them from going further. Retired General Compares Trump's Ohio Rally to Hitler's 1936 Nazi Event (newsweek.com) Electing the super MAGA election deniers in the midterms will be a sign they are not being stopped.
  11. He knows he's going to be indicted. Probably multiple indictments from different places. So he's preparing his well armed militias to save him with violence and/or threats of violence. This is a fascist movement without any doubt. Trump under fire for QAnon display at Ohio rally: ‘He has gone completely insane’ | The Independent
  12. I don’t really know. Lazada sells a low cost mild shampoo. I don't know if different than baby shampoo. Another thing to maybe try for eczema is coconut oil. The trick with hair is getting to the scalp. If possible then massage in nightly before sleeping with a shower cap. Wash off in morning.
  13. Nizoral is for fungal cases evidenced by dandruff. If the cause isn't fungus it won't work.
  14. The thing about itchy scalp is that it has many different possible causes with different treatments depending. Such as Lice Scabies Psoriasis Eczema two kinds Fungus Allergies Some cases react to frequent use of mild shampoo and some cases do better with not using shampoos at all but rather non shampoo cleaners. Obviously very hard to do but over scratching should be avoided and nails cut. Scratching easily leads to infection. It's easy to say see doctors but unless something easy to see like lice I think it's common to get bad diagnoses because symptoms are similar.
  15. When I was growing up Monty Python's Flying Circus was the most popular comedy among my American peers. The truth is some shows translate well and others don't. I don't agree that the UK US divide is that great. In my experience it's gotten a lot smaller. I've noticed due to t.v. shows more and more Britishisms slipping into American English. When I was young Americans would never say spot on, now it's common. A new word to me -- Anglocreep. I like it. 13 Britishisms That Have Invaded American English | HuffPost Life Even Americans Find Some Britishisms 'Spot On' : NPR
  16. If you've been watching America's Got Talent and don't know who won yet, do not read this post! So the final happened and am wondering that perhaps AGT is not particularly American? The judges, a Brit, a Canuck, a German, and a Colombian. Some might be U.S. citizens now but I'm pretty sure at least two aren't. I noticed on Britain's Got Talent ALL the judges are Brits. OK I guess if they mean The Americas rather than the USA, that's three out of four. The finalists, an Aussie and a big crowd of Lebanese. So the Lebanese dancers won and well deserved, but it's such a big group, they're supposed to be moving to Las Vegas, how many will actually be able to get long term visas? Not being xenophobic, such international inclusion means getting even better talent, and I'm proud that American voters don't discriminate, but I'm really wondering about the visas.
  17. My prediction over 9 percent was obviously wrong. I'll now go with the consensus, something about 8.5. The "dream" of 11 percent is dead.
  18. Prosecuting actually very very serious FELONY crimes that are a threat to national security is not persecution. The Trumpist line is that this one ex president is above the law. I don't think this is what the founders had in mind! Ever heard of country over party? Trump and his fascist movement, nothing semi about it, is a direct existential threat to American democracy.
  19. It's a stalling tactic. Trump was lucky to get a Trumpist stooge "judge" so the stalling will happen. The only question is for how long and to what effect. Remember that any decisions that either side doesn't like will face continuing legal battles, item by item. Justice delayed is justice denied. This was an almost perfect case until Trump got that lacky judge that thinks ex presidents are above the law. It may be back to other avenues, such as the Georgia case, which is still a very big threat to the losing president.
  20. Inciting violence yet again as he did leading up to the January 6th coup attempt. It beggars belief that any decent pro democracy American still supports this traitor to the constitution.
  21. Putin is not welcome. I heard that Biden will be an exception to the ride the bus brigade and appropriately so.
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