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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If this is what finally sinks the insurrectionist grifter it will be like getting another mob boss Al Capone on taxes. We'll take it.
  2. Equating anti fascist anti Trump intellectual Rushdie to reality tv star Trump is too funny.
  3. Right wing domestic terrorism is the much bigger problem. https://news.yahoo.com/right-wing-extremists-responsible-for-majority-of-deadly-terrorist-attacks-181352019.html?
  4. I guess the recent news is very triggering for some.
  5. Detrumpification of the cult can't come soon enough.
  6. Pretty good president? Never mind the insurrection. He's basically an active enemy of the rule of law and the constitution. He is beginning to face consequences.
  7. Yeah he may present as a milquetoast but he is a force to be reckoned with.
  8. He just divided his own country and moved it towards authoritarianism and inflamed domestic right wing terrorists. America First!
  9. The vast majority of the Trump fans believe the Big Lie. It's tragic that one of the two parties of consequence in the U.S. has been hijacked by pro autocracy, anti democracy right wing extremists.
  10. Also impeachment trials in the senate are not criminal trials. They are political trials. The republicans tragically remained loyal to their dear leader and they had the votes. They could have put the grifter to bed easily back then but they opted to continue with the circus. There are never any criminal penalties possible from an impeachment conviction and so far not one president has been convicted in the senate (although Nixon would have been but wisely resigned).
  11. You're replying to a member who openly admits he hasn't been following this closely at all. It's like debating the January 6th hearings with a Trump cult member that refuses to watch them. Basically a black hole.
  12. In a civil case which this is, taking the 5th CAN be interpreted as guilt. He's gonna pay BIGLY! But he dodges prison ... for now. Trump can't get in criminal jeopardy by pleading the Fifth — but he can lose a lot of money: former FBI agent - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
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