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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The "info" in the OP is obviously FALSE. Old guys, don't get upset by this. SIMPLY IGNORE.
  2. Yes and no. I really hate this movement started by the radical right wingers to use SNITCH LAWS like this to threaten financial penalties to such a wide group of penalty. Most notoriously the DeSantis Don't Say Gay law and the Texas abortion snitch-a-rama for dollars. That said, if it's happening, and it is happening, why should the right wing be only benificiary? But I really really don't like this trend and wish it had never started.
  3. Just stop it with the cynical diversionary games. Obama's campaign rhetoric has absolutely nothing to do with the January 6 violent coup attempt to illegally keep trump in power.
  4. If he gets time (he'll probably get a little) I assume it's a Club Fed type of crime.
  5. Why bother to TRY to do that? From my Pattaya area POV, it's a lower budget Miami. Don't overthink it!
  6. He was begging to made an example of and his wish is granted.
  7. Not enough of them. He still has the majority of his cult followers. He's a traitor, but he's their traitor. Not really of course, It's always been about him and only him. So Houston we have a problem. When he's indicted he will weaponize his well armed militias to a degree that will make January 6 look like a garden party.
  8. About half the US is indeed thanks to the radical right wing Forced Birth party. Their goal is clear. Total or near total ban on all abortions in all 50 states.
  9. Well it looks like it's over . However, I do think it's a misstatement to say he was found innocent. Technically having the accuser drop the charges isn't exactly that.
  10. Received mine yesterday Jomtien.
  11. Yeah many are rip offs for sure.as they're after tourists. My washing machine broke so I decided to try service. What I did was negotiate to be a regular customer and to pay less for item types that don't need ironing.
  12. Yes. You'll want their Pfizer. They don't have Moderna.
  13. Not upset. "Interesting" choice to make this a gay issue though. Nobody watches all the channels, dude. That's the point. You choose what interests you.
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