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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Fascist replacement theory too. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-05-24/white-replacement-theory-fascism-europe-history Op-Ed: White replacement theory is fascism’s new name
  2. Got mixed reviews but Stephen King liked it and I'm with hi
  3. You're talking about normal policy and performance criticism, not trying to trash democracy and stage a violent coup. Big difference!
  4. I don’t really want him to be executed for treason. Living through finally facing consequences would be a much harsher punishment for him.
  5. May I recommend a good optometrist?
  6. Your garbage conspiracy theory is on the same level as Putin saying it is the Ukrainians bombing themselves Shame on you and all remaining trump defenders. History will not look kindly on such people.
  7. Democrats in Wyoming? Mooo. (Bay Area In Joke ) I was in Wyoming as a kid. Will never forget their Son of a Gun Stew.
  8. Apps ask if you want utensils or not etc but restaurants often send them anyway regardless.
  9. It will survive but it will be very different than what we were taught was the ideal in civics class (if you had civics class).
  10. But he's gotten this far in life without facing consequences for his life of grifting so the jury is still out on whether that will finally change.
  11. Yes 10 baht. They generally stop at Soi Chayuphreuk though so they don't go ALL the way. After that, walk, hire them as a charter, book Bolt, etc. Frequency? I don't have current info. They slowed down a lot but with tourism coming back, expect them to increase frequency.
  12. Not going to bother replying to all of your colorful post but you ignore some facts. Biden beat Trump. That was job one. Possibly no other democrat could have done so in 2020. As far as 2024 Biden must keep saying he is running as long as possible or he prematurely castrates himself. But he won't run. Trump may run to raise money and generate noise to deflect from his legal problems but he probably won't be nominated and would lose if he is. He's seriously damaged goods. A recent poll shows Biden even with his historically horrible numbers would beat Trump in 2024. But that's academic. Biden won't run and Trump will probably be gone too.
  13. I don't accept your equivalency assertion of Trump.and RBG. Abortion will most certainly be on the radar but I agree economic issues will dominate. The democrats will lose the house but have a good chance of increasing their majority in the Senate. Mostly another own goal by Republicans nominating Trumpist looney tunes such as Herschel Walker.
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