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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes the economic push and pull of ruinously high US housing costs has clearly amped up interest of Americans to move abroad. Sometimes as a survival tactic and other times to get much more bang for your bucks.
  2. Hmm. Let me check. Maybe its the HOMELESSNESS. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/07/03/inflation-homeless-rent-housing/ Inflation is making homelessness worse Rising prices and soaring rents are taking their toll across the country
  3. Well, I think everyone expects rents to go up gradually over time. But was this kind of historic spike is different. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Rent prices across US at all-time high; tenants struggle with hikes (usatoday.com)
  4. So what?!? Do you honestly think that matters even one bit? You know perfectly well almost nobody has a photographic memory. It was her very credible way of expressing I don't remember the exact words but to the best of my recollection this is the gist of what was said. She's a witness. Not a God. Others are welcome to appear UNDER OATH and give their accounts to confirm or not.
  5. True but collective popular support matters sometimes. Right now there is a strong majority support among Americans to support Ukraine's military. Without that it would be harder to get the needed funding.
  6. I was outraged by it. But the political will wasn't there at that time (not with Obama and not with Western Europe) in the west to push back adequately and ALSO Putin hadn't pushed his GENOCIDAL agenda yet towards the Ukraine people and nation. Yes of course the west should have tried to stop him earlier, that was a mistake, he was emboldened, and he was very surprised that the response was so different this time. Objectively even with the dark history in Ukraine, Chechniya, Syria, the terrorism he used to gain power yes we should have known how bad a monster Putin was before. But recently he has completely come out of the closet with his extreme horribleness, with his genocidal invasion of Ukraine, his Russian empire rhetoric, his threats to other European nations, and it's likely linked to his age and very poor health. He wants to do a lot. quickly. To add, sorry to disappoint but I don't set U.S. foreign policy. IF Obama had decided to try to form a strong coalition and push back more aggressively at Putin after he stole Crimea, I most certainly would have supported him in that.
  7. Not sure if I got the idea here or not, but CLARK is hilarious!
  8. Taking the 5th is a right but you can't control what people will think of those that do.
  9. Then if you're so tired of gay stuff maybe stop posting so often on gay related topics. Also if you don't like gay pride events don't attend them.
  10. Most of the western criticism of US aid for Ukraine comes from the isolationist right wing such as Trumpists. But a minority comes from the alt left such as that lady , Glen Greenwald, etc. But both flavors are irrationally Putin apologists or worse.
  11. I just learned that the potential Georgia case against citizen Trump probably the most clear cut slam dunk case that can be brought (among many) is a FEDERAL crlme. So sorry to disapoint but if Citizen Trump is convicted on the Georgia case he won't be working on the chain gang delicious as that would be but could be sent to a Club Fed.
  12. The little bit of salt is for electrolytes as its a skipped meal. With salt you don't want too much or too little. With Haggis you want never.
  13. I feel compelled to correct a false impression / missatement I may have given. The intention of this topic is general and each individual has their own specific situation going on IF they either choose to or are forced to repatriate. You know -- things like age, financial assets, current income, ability to go back to work or not, future earning power if any, existing home in the US or not, social support network family and friends to help with the transition if any, health status, etc. So you see its impossible to make grand statements about everyone as each person has their own unique set of circumstances. So the premise here is that because of the objective reality of high inflation and somewhat out of control housing costs / rents SOME expats will feel that going home is an exercise in masochism, some won't be able to afford it at all, some will face fewer obstacles but will still be moving to a much lower quality of life and for others there will be no problem at all or even a financial and quality of life upgrade OBVIOUSLY this thread is focused on groups that would face great quality of life downgrades if they could do it at all. If you're set and in the gravy this topic doesn't really apply to you. Now as I said the focus is on groups who would suffer going back I have sometimes artificially taken the role of someone with a low social security check say 1200, no US housing, low assets, low or no earning power if able to still work, and less than wonderful social family network That actually represents a lot of real people! Obviously a person like that is well screwed if they repatriate now. What I would like to correct is any impression I may have given that I am the same as that hypothetical person. For example I personally would be able to buy a 75k house for cash. So that would make a big difference in feasibility for me or anyone else who could do that. Of course liveable houses at 75k aren't exactly super abundant and in 5 years time for example who knows.
  14. Breakfast? A glass of water with one tablespoon apple cider vinegar and some Himalayan sea salt. Mug of strong black coffee.
  15. Ignorance, bigotry and scapegoating minorities sells. It has put many authoritarian demagogues in power.
  16. Putin doesn't want to talk. The only way to make him talk is to beat him badly in his war of choice.
  17. I do too but I fear Garland might be too much of a milquetoast. We will be in uncharted waters if he does act. On the other hand, his former law professor does think he will probably do the right thing.
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