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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. 300 is low! But likely too good to be true. I was seeing fees of 600 to 900 on low price units many years ago. Is that a 55 plus complex?
  2. I shopped the Fort Laudersale area long ago. There's s catch. MASSIVE HOA FEES! Also when you actually go there, the cheaper places are depressing and have a slum vibe.
  3. Good to have this updated info but bad news that it has resumed. Bummer. In.case anyone doesn't know if you're living in Thailand the requirement is annual not biennial.
  4. Can't do much about that right now. Hopefully the democrats can at least hold on to the senate.
  5. I really don't know in such a case. Plus the married to a non Thai part. Punt to Ubon Joe. All I could think of is leave Thailand and start over with a conversion of entry stamp to O visa and then retirement extension.
  6. The right wingers are not pro life. They are pro birth They are also pro death to so many poor women that they are literally FORCING to carry. That is because the US has a VERY HIGH maternal mortality rate and poor women tend to have poor or no health care and many poor women will try very risky methods to try to abort Shame on everyone that supports forcing these poor women. Their position is very immoral. .
  7. Yes and the right wing hypocrites after forcing so many mostly poor women to bear unwanted children have no interest in helping to support the very same children AFTER they are born.
  8. Truly dystopian but that's how the radical theocratic right wingers like it.
  9. Funny if Hillary was so unpopular but she still solidly won the popular vote. Truth is that she was popular enough but ran a poor campaign and was very unlucky to be opposed by then shiny new demagogue object.trump.
  10. They clearly lied under oath. Sleazy people. Far right wing theocratic ACTIVIST judges with a vile agenda. Shouldn't call them Your Honor but Your Dishonor instead. The credibility of SCOTUS trashed.
  11. Christian theocracy instead of Islamic. The US is going full on fascist. No wonder the Trump republicans love Putin.
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/markey-claims-trump-mcconnell-stole-supreme-court-seats
  13. You say defeatest, I say realistic. Due to structural reasons such as the sparse Dakotos having four senators and very populated Californis two and the great advantage republicans have with gerrymandering, elections are not a level playing field. Plus historically midterms are about the economy and a referendum on the president. Of course FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT but sorry the odds are poor.
  14. Your people are working on that. They are also working on making gay sex and contraceptives illegal. Seems to me they actually want civil war.
  15. True but in reality due to inflation and Biden's unpopularity the chances of the democrats having a strong majority after the midterms that could codify abortion rights legislatively are very remote.
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