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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is a harsh situation indeed. Many people are dying. A new refugee crisis in the making. But what I find totally nauseating about your POV is the tonal implication that Ukraine has the blame for this happening. No. It is 100 percent on Putin.
  2. I think you're splitting hairs. The stated policy was that severe sanctions would start AFTER INVASION and there was an unsuccessful attempt to use that as a DETERRANCE. But Putin was never going to be deterred by sanctions with any timing. We know that know. There was a short period where whether or not a literal invasion had started after that recognition of Donbas fake republics happened. Now the severe sanctions are starting. Nobody can expect quick results from them,
  3. That is true. What do you expect? This is an existential fight for Ukraine.
  4. I used to think people that said the UN doesn't serve any purpose anymore were extremists, but now I'm not so sure.
  5. I didn't hear the U.S. say they would get involved. The opposite actually, quite clearly, again and again.
  6. I'm not so sure. Why haven't they gone after Taiwan already? Yes, they're preparing for it but what are they waiting for? I guess is that they don't really want a world war and see a risk that the U.S. will step up to defend. We don't know that the U.S. will, but there is that famous ambiguity that they might. In Ukraine on the other hand it was stated clearly, neither the U.S. or Nato would directly fight Russia. Perhaps it was a mistake that the U.S. didn't leave direct conflict with Russia on the table. If anything might have stopped Putin, maybe that would have.
  7. That's interesting. Could you be careful AND unpredictable? One of the odd things about this made for t.v. and social media invasion is that there was basically no surprise element. Putin wanted there to be, but Biden's policy of releasing so much intelligence about false flag attempts and invasion timing deprived him of that.
  8. What is Putin's endgame? Well, hopefully for the sake of the world including Russia -- the end of Putin.
  9. Thailand won't give either side something they don't give both sides (or more likely no sides). That's how they roll. F-rangs fighting each other ... no biggie.
  10. Well I think Putin made a massive mistake invading Ukraine although he clearly could have gotten away with annexing Donbas only. I don't think the Chinese are on the same page with what Putin has done but they see the benefit in the alliance because of Taiwan. Basically, I think Putin's action is self destructive and insane at this point. He misjudged the level of resistance. He thought he could get away with everything and I think even if it takes years the end result will be with Putin gone. The Chinese are much more careful in their steps. Sure the Chinese badly want Taiwan but they're not as stupid and crazy as Putin in jumping the gun. Of course in the longer run (or shorter) the problems to the west posed by Russia are going to pale in comparison with the challenge of China.
  11. What he's doing now is clearly coming from his inner core, no advisors needed. Sorry but transitioning from comedian to historic world leader (and sadly fairly likely martyr) is extremely atypical! Ask other comedians:
  12. He and the Ukrainian people are an inspiration to people all over the world that freedom and democracy are worth fighting and dying for. If Zelenskyj is murdered today by the evil Putin forces, he will still live in world history as a great hero. Much of the west, especially the USA, are living in badly degraded democracies in danger of being wiped out by internal idiocies. Hopefully more and more people will understand that you can't ever take democracy for granted. It is so easy to lose it and once you lose it, it can be almost impossible to take it back. Also I must admit a personal pride at the unlikelihood of such a Ukranian hero being a Jew as my relatives were forced from there due to genocidal antisemitism. There are indeed still some such dark forces in Ukraine just as there are in the USA, Germany and pretty much everywhere, but still there is the irony of Putin lying that he is going after Nazis when he's the one acting very much like Adolph himself in his invasion of Czechoslovakia.
  13. Of course he could. If backed to the wall and its looking like that might happen, so he might. People not following orders would be erased. So from that perspective perhaps we should be hoping Putin gets what he wants.
  14. Not defending past American foreign policy mistakes and there many but there are differences. Limiting this to post WW2. So for example the US goes into Iraq but the goal was never to make Iraq part of the US, to claim Iraq doesn't exist and isn't a real country.
  15. Could be. But its not inevitable yet. Ukraine somehow getting through this intact would help a lot.
  16. Such weak tea from Asean! Like they are blaming both sides. Wrong. This is Putin's war. His choice only to start it or stop it.
  17. But there is a problem with that policy. First of all health care. No Medicare abroad. Then the fact that Thailand has gradually squeezed out a good portion of retired expats over the years with the promise that this will continue. Some will say rudely that's only cheating and lying expats. Some yes but certainly not all. So then to avoid the US if leaving Thailand you need another country. But wait. There is now a definite global trend to make this harder for lower wealth retired expats. Malaysia and Mexico are prime examples of that. Yes there is "always" super easy Cambodia but most of us don't find that appealing and how long will that super easy last? So bottom line for lower wealth people the squeeze is on. At home. In Thailand. Shrinking desirable options in the rest of the world.
  18. I reckon about a half do based on reporting that I've seen. Support is higher with older and provincial people. Support is lower with English speakers. I totally agree don't hate on all Russian people because of the actions of Putin the Evil.
  19. I think what's potentially much more serious is the renewed closeness of Russia and China. That's the sort of power coalition that suggests a potential new world war. But it is a ray of hope that there are signs that China thinks Putin went too far.
  20. They will be collateral damage of the totally uneccesary war started by their dictator. I do feel sorry for those that are not complicit with this evil madness.
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