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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The irony is IF Ukraine survives this intact which might mean after resistance to a Putin puppet the case for swift inclusion in Nato and or EU will be stronger. As it stands now Putin the Evil has created hatred towards Russia in Ukraine and internationally that will last generations. In other words he's not as smart as many in the west including alt right pro autocracy white nationalists give him credit for. There was no urgency about Nato before this Putin may have lets hope so planted the seeds of the destruction of his own regime with this stupid stupid war crimes invasion.
  2. I don't think it's that simple. Once the resistance phase starts the resistance will be aided with arms via Nato nations. Putin being Putin most likely will proclaim them legit targets. The potential makings of a world war are here.
  3. All the dead on both sides are due to Putin's choice. He will be remembered not as Putin the Great but as Putin the Evil. Hopefully and indeed probably he has set up his own destruction.
  4. Yes Putin would much rather totally destroy Ukraine than allow them to continue on their already mature path towards western democracy. Ukrainians get it. This is about their very existence.
  5. The level of anti war protest in his own country can't be pleasant to him either. Russia without Putin, Ukraine without Russian puppets, wouldn't that be lovely?
  6. In any case the end of this battle is known. Russia will install a puppet government What is not known yet is whether they will even bother trying to defeat the rest of that large country and what will happen with the resistance
  7. You insulted Biden's intelligence. I'm suggesting there was intelligence behind the policy of sharing info.
  8. Oh no! I read today that the USA is planning to help him evacuate at the last moment. I find that hard to believe though. How can the USA do that with US soldiers on the ground and nobody wants a direct conflict between two nuclear powers.
  9. This is misleading. It has been an unusual Biden tactic to widely share intelligence about Putin's false flags and invasion plans. This accomplished at least two things. Way fewer people believed Putin's false flag dirty tricks and he destroyed their element of surprise. No sadly it didn't prevent Putin from war crimes but arguably nothing could have stopped him from invading.
  10. Yes and while people overdo the Nazi analogies way too much, this Putin invasion of Ukraine actually does mirror the Nazi invasion of Czechoslavakia. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2022/2/23/22944812/russian-president-putin-invasion-ukraine-letters
  11. The first part is true. The second part is white nationalist hate speech.
  12. The sides are not equivalent! Putin is wrong to invade a sovereign nation.. End of!
  13. Nobody should be surprised by such war crimes After all dictator Putin is on a peace making mission to de Nazify a country with a Jewish president and defense minister.
  14. So there are troubles in the south of Thailand for many decades now including separatists. So I guess its OK for Malaysia to invade and take over Thailand and install a puppet government. The "logic" of the pro Putin crowd.
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