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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Compromise with a big bully autocrat8c power invading and occupying a sovereign nation that has decided on democracy and independence? No!
  2. Clear as mud PCR test before flight? Vaccines? Insurance? Thailand Pass? Does all really mean all?
  3. Yes and no. The US has sort of promised Taiwan they will defend them. So Xi would be taking a bigger risk.
  4. Putin will take over all of Ukraine. Then we'll have to see about the resistance. It could take years.
  5. Yes evil Putin has declared war based on lies. The world changed today. This is much bigger than Ukraine.
  6. I totally agree. It's a political rant only. Nothing to do with youth suicide. What's next? Blaming youth suicide on "globalists" and George Soros?
  7. This is nothing at all new. To blame it on woke culture is a transparently lame attempt to promote a right wing agenda.
  8. Well I don't really know. My first impression is that it was probably mass hysteria or if not a disgruntled employee.
  9. Well some banks, credit card companies, etc. might block logins from what they consider dodgy countries (Thailand often) just based on one logon if the user didn't tell them they were traveling beforehand. Then you'd need to contact them. The firms that are hunting expats are looking for users that ALWAYS login abroad.
  10. Anyone that still remembers how it felt like when young wouldn't even be asking this question.
  11. Getting there but no cigar. Require the pre flight PCR. I would also require vaccination. Then ... NOTHING ELSE!
  12. Admit it. Something like this has been missing in your life, yeah? Are shows like this the reason hasn't got gay marriage yet? (Click CC for subs.)
  13. I think where we're going is the development of a new for lifetime vaccine OR annual vaccinations after booster. Like the annual flu vaccine.
  14. Personalization attempt ignored. Shared housing has its place but there are serious downsides when moving into another person's space. Like landlords? Enough to live with your landlord? Situations like that are notoriously short lived and subject to housemates hating each other Working full time, being out of the house usually required. So rare to be open to retired people wanting to mostly be at home. Conflicts over shared bills. Owners offering that often little dictators with long lists of petty rules. Renters can never feel at home. High stress. Leases rare. Can be kicked out any time. Much more suitable for younger working people. Usually a quite degrading undignified experience for older people. Without sounding sexist this could be better for pairing old women. For owners needing financial help then you can be the little dictator and take in your own boarders. A much better situation as you're the boss!
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