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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I am talking about something very specific. HUD senior housing. Yes you do need to be 62 or older. Example. https://www.phgainc.org/locations/decatur-ga/ As far as general section 8 housing the units actually need to be available. Conveniently in Pollyanna USA the trend of landlords leaving the program ignored. You have an irrationally sugar coated rebuttal for everything. I don't think you're posting in good faith. More like a blood sport. This is a very serious issue not a game. I'd rather play wordle. Thus I wish to exit engaging with you about it. Enjoy the carnival.
  2. Evictions are not rare. https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/evictions-common-think-whos-risk/ The HUD senior housing policy is no evictions ever. A returning expat would be a non standard application. They might reject based on not being able to verify history. Agree to disagree on how grim things are but videos about living in cars and converting vans aren't massively popular for nothing.
  3. HUD senior housing waiting lists are typically several years. Anyone ever evicted is ineligible. As mentioned before landlords are dropping Section 8 to ride the high rent gravy train. Yes SNAP helps a little. I think you paint a Pollyanna picture. That said a low income older returning expat with a clean rental history and lots of SAVINGS could possibly find a landlord by paying cash in advance and get on a HUD waiting list. If lucky after two or three years they could get placed. But without savings very unlikely. People can't evade this reality. Returning as a low wealth low income older expat in these times will usually be GRIM unless they have mitigating things going on. Such as family taking them in or perhaps special skills commanding high consulting fees.
  4. Affordable in the U.S.? I don't think so. Consider someone on a 1300 SS check. 170 goes to Part B. I'm seeing some small town backwaters with theoretical rents as low as 600. Rents go up and most of such backwaters have almost no actual rentals So maybe you could buy a basic house in such a place for 100k to 200k. You could if you had that in cash. Nobody is getting a mortgage these days on that income. No public transport in such places and little in nearby health care. So you'd need a car to drive far for shopping and medical access. If you could manage to get or keep a license as an elder, typical full running costs are 10k annually. Yes you could do less with an old car but then that ups the repair bills. Then there are the extra medical costs even on Medicare. Typically several thousand annually. Of course if the same person had 300k saved, more options in the US Yes of course a working age person could bootstrap these days, work two or three jobs (not in a backwater with few jobs). As said multiple times it depends on the specifics of the person's situation.
  5. I already posted my opinion of levels but that obviously is more of an individual thing. Different people have different basic needs. I've posted about other countries on multiple other topics. If thats not good enough perhaps refer to International Living.
  6. Again I'm suggesting that low income / low wealth expats leaving Thailand strongly consider ANOTHER country rather than the US.
  7. Huh? Of course its fair that they can live better. You're inventing an issue that doesn't exist. Two issues that do exist however are insane levels of housing inflation and a massive shortage of affordable housing. Not mansions. Basic safe roofs over heads.
  8. The majority of Americans on social security have only that as income. The system wasn't designed for that but that's what happened.
  9. Well over 99 percent of Americans that are suffering from the severe lack of affordable housing are not expats. If you actually have bothered to follow my thoughts on this I am advocating that lower wealth / income expats leaving Thailand should strongly consider the US as it is now to be a last resort. Go where you're treated best to another retired expat destination where your lower US homeless level income is more like upper middle class. Why choose suffering, degradation, risk of homelessness if you don't have to?
  10. It's not really funny at all. The recognition of these two new fake countries by Russia included borders of lots of land the rebels don't control.
  11. I don't buy that. China has plenty of friends now. Russia doesn't. But Russia has made a deal with China and that's ominous for the west and democracies.
  12. The elephant in the room is if China decides to play copycat with Taiwan. The U.S. won't/can't get directly involved in Ukraine but arguably has an obligation to defend Taiwan. This has the makings of a potential WW3. Obviously hopefully not.
  13. Yes, thanks for that. It's not only a US problem. As I've said here before a society that doesn't have widespread access to at least basic safe housing to everyone working full time and pensioners has failed as a society in a fundamental way. There is enough blame to go around for this from different sides of the political spectrum but the fact remains this is a truly rotten situation.
  14. I find that hard to believe. I find it darkly amusing that Americans generally of the red state persuasion grossly overstate the coverage of social services for the down and out.
  15. Another point. For those that do have a solid US network especially family they can live with, obviously that network would make things much easier. Indeed that might be a strong incentive to go home.
  16. Jingthing

    Booster shots ?

    Three. One for Moderna reg. One for Pfizer reg. One for the shot. I would guess more Thais would prefer Moderna as its higher status which does not mean better.
  17. Funny that you say that. I heard on another source that part of this scary plan if enacted would be to shut down use of VPNs. My understanding is that has been done in China with some success on top of making use of VPNs. Many expats need to use VPNs to logon to their financial accounts especially Americans. . .
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