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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No protection against being infected with Omicron after 100 days.
  2. I think people are assuming that will eventually largely be less of an issue. But for now and at least this coming year, yeah, it's huge.
  3. Yes most likely it is already here. But even if so it still takes some time to be the dominant strain. But not much time.
  4. No doubt there are regional differences In Latin America they tend to call all Asians chino and claim that isn't racist.
  5. The Thai government is doing the right thing to try very hard to keep Omicron out of Thailand. But surely they must know that is ultimately impossible and that sooner or later it will enter the local population. So assuming that will happen, how much time do you think it will take until Omicron is dominant? The answer to this has real world implications. Of course right now the booster programs need to be speeded up with urgency. That has started to happen but I doubt its enough. My prediction: One month
  6. I never said they were I'm tiring of this tedious game of you making false knee jerk accusations.
  7. It is true that diverse children can be seen playing together well but those same children are hard wired to pick up racist messages from their parents and society and thus internalizing those messages.
  8. If you meet a white nationalist they will almost always be right wingers.
  9. OMG. Of course there is no problem saying that black guy over there! Of course if that black guy is wearing a pink sombrero it would be more fun to refer to that.
  10. That's your trip. I didn't mention any specific person. I was obviously highlighting a wider very insidious very real phenomenon https://newrepublic.com/article/159589/conservatives-systemic-racism-denial The Right’s Farcical Denial of Systemic Racism Conservatives simply ignore a vast amount of evidence documenting its existence. Lately, right-wingers have been on something of a tear denying the existence of “systemic racism.” Harvard government professor Harvey Mansfield, writing on the conservative Wall Street Journal op-ed page, Andrew McCarthy in National Review, and Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute, all have argued that systemic racism is nothing but a term designed to lay a guilt trip on white people and also explain away the continuing failure of Black people to take responsibility for their own inadequacies.
  11. Only Parts A and B are available to expats! You should definitely enroll in A at 65 as its free. If you don't enroll in B at 65 there is a 10 percent penalty for life for each year of delay. The enrollment period for B if you don't enroll at 65 is Jan through March. So if you try to sign up in April your coverage won't start until JULY of the NEXT YEAR!
  12. Humans are hard wired for all kinds of harmful things. Including murder. Ideally socialization mitigates rather than inflames such impulses.
  13. Could someone post links to the videos alluded to in the article? Thank you.
  14. Oh please. If you read the article you would know this was not cartel related. Also it's well known that Cuernevaca is not on the list of safest Mexican destinations to live. To be clear I am not saying that Mexico is perfectly safe or a crime free paradise any more than the USA is. But I am saying if you pick your location there carefully and practice common sense risk avoidance, it would be irrational to rule out the country entirely based on crime fear.
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