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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He recognized two areas in sovereign Ukraine as independent and going in. That's a declaration of war.
  2. .My latest info says the crowds are smaller now. But no guarantees.
  3. Now that Putin has started this war, here is an interesting and depressing theory on where this will lead globally. Yes globally including Thailand. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/02/21/ukraine-invasion-putin-goals-what-expect/ Let’s assume for a moment that Vladimir Putin succeeds in gaining full control of Ukraine, as he shows every intention of doing. What are the strategic and geopolitical consequences?
  4. Some get it same day and some don't. I assume the mall is Monday to Friday but I don't know the current hours.
  5. Go to Royal Garden Plaza. Pfizer and Moderna free. Or Pattaya Memorial Hospital. Moderna 1650.
  6. I am not taking your bait to get into an ideological debate about whether so called free market capitalism should extend to survival needs. The truth here is that other than for quite wealthy and or already US real estate owners moving back to the US is highly problematic largely due to housing costs. The compromises they would have to make if they could secure a roof at all are extreme. But many expats are pushed / forced out of Thailand for various reasons. In such cases such people if not wealthy / already owners will need to choose to live a degraded life in the US or seek a third country option where they might have a greater chance to live in dignity.
  7. Well its obvious by now that Putin as opposed to Russia has chosen to go to war. Keep in mind though that most Russians especially younger ones do not want this war. So if you happen to meet some random Russians in Thailand please don't jump to any conclusions about their complicity with this horror show. Also of course many people that are speaking Russian are not Russian.
  8. That's debatable but it's obvious you're just sniping. To wit, Higher education is not the topic. Expats are not usually repatriating to attend uni. Higher education is not a basic human survival need as food, clothing, and SHELTER are.
  9. Me either. But you're cherry picking things to snipe at. The bigger story is that rent is totally absurd for that unit and think of the many millions of Americans if not homeless or living in cars that now have to spend the majority of their income just for a CRAPPY roof over their head. That is not a decent society. I'm concerned because history shows that severe suffering from inflation leads to unspeakable things.
  10. This isn't the place for such an ideological debate. I would say if you're living in Minnesota in the winter a decent society at the very least provides at least basic shelter for all as without it people die very quickly. I would also say if a person is working full time OR on social security there should be at least BASIC HOUSING options. Section 8 was mentioned here. I recently read there is new trend for landlords to drop Section 8 because they want to ride this historic rent inflation and Section 8 won't pay that high. The deniers can act like this isn't a serious problem and a media fake news. Obviously it isn't for the wealthy. But it's still a real problem for ever increasing millions of Americans and that would include a portion of those repatriating as well.
  11. Whoa! First of all, silly whataboutism on social security that isn't even true. So don't listen to the media, huh? I don't get it. You actually don't believe there that there have been recent massive rent and housing cost increases in the USA? Believe it. It is true. At the end of the day, there is something very wrong with a country where a person working full time at a lower paying job can't even begin to afford even BASIC SHELTER in most of the country. Compare to Thailand. There are at least basics roofs over heads for lower wage workers here. Of course people on lower social security checks are in a similar situation to lower wage workers, and often worse off if they don't own housing clear.
  12. Russia Russia Russia. No, really.
  13. Happy president's day 'Murcans. So two count 'em two new Lincoln miniseries?
  14. If he was moving to Nicaragua wouldn't it be germane to mention that it is a brutal dictatorship and that there is widespread grinding poverty? Anyone moving to the US now is moving to a country as divided as it ever was with multiple simultaneous crises. Countries can normally hope to deal effectively with one or two crises at a time.
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