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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Egads. Sounds like there indeed was resistance to that at your office.
  2. They need an online registration scheme for specific appointment times. Also can't they arrange an OUTDOORS venue? The way it is now is that vaccination sites are basically super spreader events
  3. What time did you arrive? How long did you wait? Were you at least registered upon arrival or did you need to wait for hours just for that?
  4. Not credible. Lost in translation. The original account said he lacked the necessary health clearance document. That is credible.
  5. In any case even if he has a good defense this could really hurt his career so it would be normal to just shut up about it.
  6. Obviously Thais are not a monolith any more than black people in America are. But the OP told us his personal experience and I see no reason to doubt him.
  7. This is both sad and funny. Antisemites which is a form of racism apply conflicting tropes to Jews seemingly unaware of the contradictions. Vile Jew haters sometimes in the same rant will say Jews are cheap and then rich Jews control the world. In the Jew hater's imagery rich Jews are pictured in all kinds of luxurious material decadence.
  8. No. It's an Americanism. Probably dated. Also gay slang as usually trick. Actually it just means sleeping around but in the context he used it implied commercial sex. BTW there is nothing wrong with Eubonics per se as its just another dialect. Obviously it shouldn't be and isn't taught in English language courses covering standard usage.
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