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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I'm gonna pipe in with a sort of optimistic thought. Omicron is a game changer. It's almost impossible to avoid it. Not with masks, distancing, shutdowns, hand washing, or even current vaccines. Boosting is the best current tool but the boosting program is too slow and many will be infected at the boosting sites. HOWEVER, based on what's happening in some other countries it's at least possible that Thailand will have a huge wave of Omicron over the next 2 or 3 months, it will peak then decline and the end result might be the beginning of the endemic phase. Or not.
  2. Not so strange. There are reporting requirements to the U.S that non.US banks must comply with for U.S. persons so many banks globally rationally avoid that by refusing U.S nationals.
  3. So can we get an official statement on the future plan for the rockets, or is their no plan?
  4. It's very common to be smarter than your boss. To stay employed you just have to suck it up and humor them.
  5. One of my mass layoffs was particularly traumatic and as close as I came to being fired. That's because I knew my boss was on my case and also I was very closely bonded with my workmates. So the day of the big event where the big company was shedding about a third of its workforce I made it to the end of the day still not booted. Even had a black humor filled lunch with my coworkers. So my boss was going to have a meeting with the survivors and then he saw I was still there so he said everyone back to your cubes. Five minutes later the call of doom from a big big boss to have a visit. I guess that experience may have been even worse than an old fashioned YOU'RE FIRED.
  6. Many of us here are retired. Typically these days it's rare to have had only one job. Business owners of course can't be fired. Although I had scads of jobs and short term contracts in my life I never had the pleasure of being told YOU'RE FIRED or indeed even shown the door with cause. How did I dodge this? I feel I've missed something. For me there have been: Resignations some with drama Companies going out of business Massive Layoffs / reduction in forces Contracts just ending when a project was completed Volunteering to be laid off to collect an exit package But never a YOU'RE FIRED. You?
  7. It ain't rocket science forum dudes. These new rockets are bugly.
  8. Best case it prevents infection but yes preventing severe cases if infected is ultimately more important.
  9. Borderline guaranteed once Omicron starts peaking here. Kind of like a twofer.
  10. OK. I admit it. I messed up. Its easy to say yes if your home has a toileting option that is outside, far away, in your maid's room. etc. But that was not the point of the question. The question was meant to suggest a more difficult morality test. Like you have one toilet in a smaller place and by allowing the driver in you would literally be HEARING and SMELLING the consequences. Just as your meal arrives! Not so easy to say yes to that, eh? Oh well. Maybe NEXT year!
  11. An obvious followup question is if you let the driver use your toilet, do you dig into your delivered food right away or more politely wait until after the driver has finished his bizness? Complicated by if the toilet you have to offer is adjacent to your dining area.
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