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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Did you request that style crust? I just had a pie from there and the crust wasn't like that. Good for me as I don't like thin crisp crust. This crust was more like Napoli style, some chewy in the texture, good flavor, a good level of char. Not as good as the closed Pizza Art was, but now my favorite crust in town.
  2. There is more to the definition of a real democracy than that. The U.S. democracy has objectively backslided, perhaps as argued here to a critical degree. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/17/how-civil-wars-start-barbara-walter-research/ If you know people still in denial about the crisis of American democracy, kindly remove their heads from the sand long enough to receive this message: A startling new finding by one of the nation’s top authorities on foreign civil wars says we are on the cusp of our own.
  3. There are cases of ambiguous genitals but yes for the vast majority the physical gender at birth is very obvious.
  4. There are much cheaper realistic paths to permanent residence and more in Portugal for non EU. Yes they take some time. Nothing further to discuss with you as you have some weird agenda not grounded in current reality .
  5. Australia has a retirement visa. Australia has a merit based system for younger / skilled immigration. Portugal is open to non EU working and retired expats.
  6. You keep saying. What I'm feeling from you is garden variety intolerance.
  7. Or don't retire to Thailand in the first place. There are many other options.
  8. I used to buy the Royal Project ones a lot. I don't understand why they lack the real deal flavor and heat though. Buying in the US they have the flavor but the heat is surprisingly inconsistent. Always there but occasionally wowza Katie bar the door.
  9. Your opinion on that noted ad nauseum. So in your opinion a ten year old with severe aspergers is better institutionalized or in foster care football than adopted by a loving gay couple?
  10. It wouldn't likely be relevant to you. The sound of European Portuguese annoys me greatly. Similar to how I feel about Vietnamese and German. I like Spain and have visited numerous times. However a particular place there didn't call out to me as a place I'd want to live at. I don't qualify for residence in Spain so it's academic for me but if I did I'd be curious about Valencia.
  11. Indeed. It's amazing. But I feel it's a bit too much for most RETIRED expats. No doubt there are downsides of Mexico like everywhere else particularly many specific locations there. But I feel dismissing it entirely because of crime reflects ignorance.
  12. For working and business expats Mexico City is one of the most fabulous and cosmopolitan big cities in the world also offering easy connections to the US and Canada. Just live in the best neighborhoods there are use common sense.
  13. I wouldn't call the requirements low. More like moderate. Numerous desirable countries like Portugal and Ecuador are much lower. I don't have a complaint about the financial requirements here particularly because there is a bank method. The primary flaw here is the lack of a path to permanent residence from retirement status.
  14. Yeah. Not only less hot but less flavor too. I use this now: https://www.tabasco.com/hot-sauces/chipotle-sauce/
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