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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He wasn't talking about Bangkok. But is that really true? BPH in Pattaya charges and makes no guarantee of shot date or even if the dose will arrive at all.
  2. The origin of Pad Thai is definitely interesting. I wonder if it would sell as well if it was called Authoritarian Axis Noodles.
  3. Not all. Go where the Thai people and well traveled foodies go.
  4. The 800k must be in A THAI bank account and not one baht less for at least TWO MONTHS prior to your extension application at immigration. If I'm reading your case correctly then you have a problem. Solutions include starting over with a new visa or paying an agent to make your problem go away.
  5. If you don't update your passbook frequently then banks tend to aggregate deposits and withdrawals making it impossible to check compliance. This is a very common problem. In such cases definitely obtain and present a full record showing ALL transactions.
  6. That I don't know. But definitely bring statements for both banks for the entire year.
  7. If I were you I would get immigration letters from both banks and present your application with two banks from the start! Using multiple banks is definitely allowed. Going under the required money definitely isn't. What's the point of playing games and not presenting the second bank? They will see the shortfall and they are going to demand an immigration letter anyway from the second bank. Turns out you never were in non compliance.
  8. Interesting. Well currently and remember Thailand just very recently changed from 6 to 3 months after to boost 2 AZ doses, they are not using AZ to boost.
  9. If you live in Bangkok there are many more options. So where do you live? Thailand recently changed the guideline for booster after 2 AZ shots from 6 months to 3, so you will be eligible after 3 (but not earlier). The brand will probably be Pfizer. It will be not AZ.
  10. I saw a guy in a Yale shirt today and he looked even schlubbier than the typical retired Pattaya expat. Dudes -- if you're gonna represent your Ivy, up your game!
  11. I suspected as much all along. I just thought it would be funny for "her" to win.
  12. On a typical day, 3, but luck wit me and I become a 10.
  13. I campaigned for her in a very rough and tumble POTY year. Weren't they all? I regret it!
  14. They're not making land anymore (not true). They're not making POTY winners anymore (true?).
  15. Has Covid 19 murdered POTY for good?
  16. Maybe he can sell the movie rights for another one of those holidays in Thailand hell genre extravaganzas? Netflix will make anything.
  17. No comment but what I was trying to imply is that most people that would have been interested already saw that. Casualties of War is much less well known. Box office dollars Casualties 19 million Good morning 124 million So the Casualties would be more of a "find" to many. It was to me. It also stars Sean Penn the great.
  18. If the CV that was posted here is actually him then I doubt that will be a big problem as it was of a hot shot tech industry maven. Not a backpacker.
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