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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Nice try. Sorry, too many of us know facts. For COVID-19 vaccinations, party affiliation matters more than race and ethnicity (brookings.edu) 92% of Democrats 68% of Independents 56% of Republicans.
  2. Not so fast. They're talking about specific patient profiles and also keep in mind that Thailand heavily used Sinovac so the baseline for lots of people here is very weak. Of course we now know that two doses of Astra Zenica is worthless in preventing getting infected with Omicron after 100 days.
  3. It sounds to me that your "full" vaccination with Pfizer is NOT in their system, and their system now says you have one of two initial doses, no boosters. In any case, I haven't heard of Thailand giving half doses of Moderna yet to anyone -- so full dose.
  4. The constitutional court of Thailand delivered a harsh setback for marriage equality. But the struggle continues. The road will be very long. But march on, march on, eyes on the prize.
  5. Some do. Some don't. In my experience lesbian couples are more likely to want kids and all they need is a sperm donor. Gay couples in my experience more often want a dog.
  6. So confusing. So anyone can just show up at the hospital any time and get jabbed if eligible?
  7. That was my assumption. It would be ironic to get boosted and infected simultaneously.
  8. How is Chaiyaphruek Stadium as far as social.distancing, ventilation, etc.?
  9. Well, it depends. My parents cremains are in Arlington National cemetery on a shelf and there is lots to see there. But I wouldn't make a special trip to see a shelf or a grave.
  10. Not exactly. The realistic goal at this point is for Covid to become endemic, yet another cold virus with seasonality that people live with semi normally.
  11. Yeah but he's more of a clown show. People take Carlson much more seriously even as a potential presidential candidate.
  12. I was educated fairly well to be a critical thinker. To always question authority. Looking at history, that makes very good sense. But something extremely insidious has happened to that POV in recent years and it has spread (like a radically anti-intellectual virus) very rapidly internationally thanks to the internets and assorted global crises. While before this dangerous rational discussion killing distortion when a person said 'Do your own research / I do my own research' it was almost always said with sincerity and to encourage independent intellectual inquiry. That has been turned on it's head! Go on the internets for minutes and you will see this done again and again, no doubt millions or billions of time. Person A: Broadcast blatant conspiracy theory garbage / dangerous misinformation. Person B: (if a masochist) Trying to bring the discussion back to the real world of science, logic, and credible evidence. Person A: You're a sheeple! Do your own research! In other words, get brainwashed by misinformation from endless bad sources so you transform into yet another Person A. Short of that, Person A and Person B have nothing left to discuss. Is there a way out of this cesspool? If there is, I don't see it. It seems to be getting worse and worse over time.
  13. I'm all for representation of LGBTQ people in all kinds of entertainment media, but when I heard the news of bisexual Superman, it occurred to me that this isn't good for the gays. Superman Bisexual: Jon Kent Comes Out - Variety Superman is an international icon. Why is he bisexual, and not just gay? If you're going to go there, why the ambiguity? Sure bisexuals exist but in homophobic societies declaring yourself as bi is a transparent hedge. I remember as a kid when Elton John came out as bi and it was a very big deal, yeah sure, he's bi, that's the ticket. What about the international backlash? It's already started in anti-gay / anti western propaganda media coming from Russia, which represents a lot of other countries that are going backwards with LGBTQ civil rights issues. Superman as bisexual is surely good for getting free publicity, but is it really good for actual LGBTQ people in most of the world? I think it's the opposite. So thanks but no thanks.
  14. Many have heard of the various recent extreme policy changes in Xi's China, such as a crackdown on tutoring services impacting countless western English teachers. So now it's effeminate men in media. China bans 'sissy men' from TV in new crackdown - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) No, I'm not saying that all or most effeminate men are gay or not, but this new policy is clearly extremely homophobic. China is the inevitable top power in the world. Will this kind of thing spread to other countries under China's influence? (Such as Thailand.)
  15. I assume most Americans have been following this. Massive price spikes in real estate in the U.S. for pretty much any place that you might want to live. If you already own something even marginally decent there, you're probably happy about an unexpected windfall. But what if you don't? For most expats, the first backup is repatriation. No visa needed. But some kind of housing is needed! To underline this situation, here's the flip side of this historic price spike: Real estate investors from across the U.S. are buying homes in Peoria, Ill., sight unseen - Washington Post
  16. Why did it take so long for this topic to happen? Can be weird and wonderful, guilty pleasures, or serious stuff too. To tell us, I suggest that you include a sample video of the channel instead of linking to the channel's summary page. More fun, no?
  17. Look I fully realize I'm coming from Old Fogeylandia with this and that many people have made boatloads of "money" with bitcoin and treat it almost as a religion. But looking at history, how can this NOT end badly? Or maybe history is passe, huh?
  18. The question has come up about the rough percentage of expats living in Thailand that have a Thai I.D. card (including when obtained from a yellow book). Driver's license is not a Thai I.D. card! So if that's all you've got then the answer is no. So I'm doing this poll. I guess that expats that have become citizens or permanent residences all do have a Thai I.D. so I'll add that as a separate category.
  19. I don't think there is any doubt that the Thai-English google translator is shockingly poor. I wonder why exactly. I can compare it to Spanish-English which I would expect to be better, but not so MUCH better. I assume a large part of the problem is the nature of the Thai language. Is that the only reason? Is google's tool not as good as other automatic Thai-English translation tools?
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