If i had an extra 1m usd i would do almost nothing different.
Beautiful surroundings and clear sea are very depressing if you are lonely. You need to hit the fundamentals before the niceties IMO. Where do you have the best chance? in the dense population areas, of course.
Boasting means talking with excessive pride and self satisfaction about one's achievements. I like hearing success stories and i admire high achievers. The older generation have been conditioned to keeping it all secret, like its a dirty topic. I've been talking to people about their money for 20 years, so to me its completely normal.
I think the more open people are about money, the more they may save and not waste. Forums are perfect for that.
I wrote my post to you after my night out. Twas a bit drunk 555
It may read a bit confrontational - sometimes the written word can sound harsh. Not intended. Just wanted to add that.