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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. You need to be invested. So what about sequence risk? The biggest threat to me as a 48 year old expat is inflation. 100k a month when i reach state pension age may only be worth 50k, then at age 88, only 25k - which is not far off my rent now! Then exchange rate risk. Its been 40 to 45 in the 1.5 years i've been here. Capital spend on any health issues. People laugh when they hear absurd numbers but they are in their 70's so none of this applies. They see inflation as 10 baht on a beer, i see it as quadrupling my current rent. Yeh i'm aware of ISA and SIPP's, but thanks anyway. Run my own business in the wealth management space (remotely )
  2. The bar is set rather low here. If i'm comparing myself, i wouldn't be using that demographic - although not many at my age anyway. I get to see lots of people's (western) finances in detail. I'm not saying you need huge amounts to live a happy life here, which admittedly, may sound a bit contradictory.
  3. I think you are overestimating ...or maybe i'm just a bit cheap. Possibly the latter! I just don't see £800k as that much, at that age and having to commence drawing down.
  4. If i only had 35m baht, no way would i be paying 30k month rent. 15k month is more appropriate for that level of capital.
  5. Not getting the sun through the windows is a much higher priority, rather than view or height. Sea view - i'm neutral. Don't care either way.
  6. Strange assumption from a post count. 14 years visiting and still under age 50. Any thai girlfriend who thinks they could disrespect me, like you were, would never be allowed in my vicinity again. My standards are high and rightly so. I have it all.
  7. Depends on the country. Called de facto in NZ Doesn't exist in UK
  8. Probably your appearance, rather than some cultural thing.
  9. I got about 2,500b interest at bangkok bank - what a nice surprise, thailand is wonderful Some withholding tax too, but i ignored that.
  10. Great story mate, thanks for sharing.
  11. Again, I thought it was obvious to not bother the caveat for mega rich folks. Guess i was wrong!
  12. In the same way that the blackrock thing is obvious to me. Crypto offers hope of fast massive returns for those who NEED it.
  13. You've got no money though, so why you need an adviser? Lary fink is trying to sell a spot crypto etf - thats why he's changed his tune after calling it a money laundering scam in 2020. Blackrock won't be gambling their own money as they will use futures to mirror the crypto. They want the young tik tokers on their platform. They couldn't give a toss about crypto, only FUA and AMC's. So obvious - are you blind?
  14. Unless it specifically states you don't. Then assume you do. Why is that so difficult to figure out??
  15. Whereas your credibility is what? ...you've watched more youtube videos?
  16. I make over-night oats with raisins and banana. Cheap, easy & healthy.
  17. Interesting. I do remember you telling me a bit about it a while back. Good luck with it. There used to be funds whereby people's investments were pooled, a big commercial aeroplane was purchased and leased to the likes of emirates. At the end of the lease period (5 years), the plane was sold and the fund ended and returns distributed. Again, i think covid put a stop to these. Some fascinating investments about.
  18. It doesn’t need to go to zero to be worthless, the world just needs to run out of greater-fools who are willing to buy it. But there's a lot of those around.
  19. I think we may have had a previous chat about P2P. What sector are you going into? I think they are a great asset diversifier but covid decimated the UK market for this asset. Many providers couldn’t risk assess and new money was stopped and funds wound down. Shame!
  20. I had option 2 on my fence in UK. Squirrels used to run along the top and their claws would destroy the wood. Then the cats would chase the Squirrels! The pigeons sat in the trees watching it all 555
  21. Because they were extremely expensive and Ken doesn't want to lose his investments.
  22. Negotiable eh? If they were my dogs i would be paying the new owner to take care of them because of my inability to do so. Shameless expats!
  23. You are 46 and i'm 48 (already here). Talking about turbulent markets at our age is a bit short-sighted. You probably don't understand investing very well or know how to generate income. I wouldn't be coming here at 50, as you plan, without sizeable funds. I bet number 1 reason for expat failure is £££
  24. I keep +1m baht in my account here for a bit of a living costs and any emergency medical needs. Not sure i even get interest at bangkok bank. I know they take 300b for the card i never use! (mobile ATM withdrawal). Not on a retirement visa either. 'Lost' interest on this amount is of no interest - pun intended
  25. Lovely dogs ...but the owner wants to sell them? You would think the right person & home would be the priority.
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