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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. Seems like you keep getting things wrong mister incompetent.
  2. Same this afternoon on central pattaya beach promenade. Guy in his mid 50's seen him many times on it. Going too fast amongst people. Must think he looks cool rather than the moron he is.
  3. You can buy test kits to see if you have exhaust gas leaking into your coolant bottle. Thats usually the way to determine cylinder head gasket leak.
  4. You became more of a Higgins just without the mansion.
  5. You're a broken record. I have no interest in buying a condo right now. Its a simple decision 😃
  6. Great that you have a plan and on track. The 7.3% is basically 4^(1/20) calculation. Its the 20 year quadrupling percentage, with compounding. I'm 80:20 ...global equity trackers to equity managed funds. Obviously excluding cash. I never intend to sell, only drawdown but it will be a long time before that starts. I guess when you get to 10m usd why bother investing!
  7. Under 50's gbp millionaire from my finance business. So not doing too bad. There is generally a lot of public saltiness when it comes to finance knowledge. Its peculiar.
  8. I agree but health costs can negate that argument IMO. But the principal is for when grumpy old brian feels the need to compete. I actually think he's mistaken me for the guy who write the original post. If so 🙄
  9. 100m baht by mid to late 50's. Thats my fat wallet. 20 years after that it should quadruple using about 7.3% pa. Hence my time-value point above. Why you think i care about you is a mystery to me. I'm guessing we are decades apart on the timelines. You comparing to me is silly unless you discount your capital by the age difference. I didn't say anything about an exodus??
  10. What the heck is your problem? Why do you need someone else's opinion - you are allowed to have your own version of a fat wallet. Unless its too late of course. Then that would explain the attitude 😉 (I can tell you mine, but nobody wants to hear it)
  11. Impressive!! ...the stress would kill me 55 I don't have the personality for this approach.
  12. To everybody else, its pretty obvious it was to demonstrate a principle ...rather than an arbitrary number. Bit worrying you couldn’t see that.
  13. I would be prematurely aging the moment i pressed the enter key! Good luck. I don't buy single stocks, i like being the tortoise investor.
  14. Not quite that simple. 50 year old with 100 baht. 70 year old with 400 baht. Can be argued they both have the same (to demonstrate the time-value of money). So the fat wallet needs an associated age.
  15. All the old men getting so upset as usual 555 ...go have a nice time like i did
  16. A good age to arrive is when you can appreciate thailand in comparison to elsewhere. Finances, health and mental state must be in good shape too.
  17. Some spelling irony here. But a bright fish??
  18. Don't stress, its not a bar competition. Just happened to be there last night.
  19. Oops.
  20. Nice views up here...
  21. Can't wait to get back to pattaya. Every drink this weekend has been 400b. Pimp club last night then novotel sky bar tonight. Life of the privately educated 😋
  22. Its 3am and i'm a bit tipsy in bangkok. Take it all with a grain of salt. It winds up a few guys for the chuckles, thats all. I totally get it and you seem like a good guy. We're all good - in person i would be saying nice one and glad its going well.
  23. Because many have a modest level of capital when they move to thailand, lets say £100k gbp (4m baht or so) but they have low income, so they need to discount it from their income as they cannot afford it to quadruple in 20 years and be priced out. Thats why a lot of people buy. To save on rent.
  24. I think those who buy just can't afford to rent. Simple folk make simple decisions. I don't have a poem from a very dead bloke 555
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