I think a lot of americans have somehow been brainwashed into thinking that you must be vociferously engaged in politics.
The fruitloops are quick to show their hand - see above!
My SP500 funds hitting ATH's - Great.
I look at the VIX volatility chart - very low right now. Great.
All the politics stuff. You can fight amongst each other. No interest.
The exchange rate doing a transfer from a UK bank account would be so poor that i would still be considerably worse off than paying an agent to open a bank account.
I paid 4k baht to open a bank account - not for an international transfer 555
The annoying bit, is that you can't open a free bank account before you've paid for elite. Paying for it from a thai bank account is likely the easiest way.
I ended up paying 4000b to an agent, so i could then pay for elite.
I think those 2 girls are staying in my condo. Just seen them by the pool on the way to the gym.
They were certainly turning heads in their very small bikini's.
I've had a plastic clothes hangar on the balcony for 1.5 years- it suddenly crumbled into small pieces. Didn’t know that was possible.
Can envisage indoor v outdoor and of course sun exposure is a big factor with longevity. Maybe thats why the balcony washers tend to have the stop taps fitted.
When my 3BB occasionally goes down they are really good at fixing it quickly. I like it being their problem and not my problem.
I almost enjoy phoning their call centre as they are so polite. And they call you back! Amazing.
Japan looks like its had a nice run lately, my one has been flat for a whole year ...so i went with the flat one 55
Seem to have so much fund cross-over on that taiwan semi-conductor place!
I just added to my ishares asia pacific excluding japan fund.
Been doing global trackers lately which are all 50-60% USA.
Bit of a geography change - about as scientific as i get.
Definitely all the cheapskates use sim cards instead of buying wifi
3BB fibre in the condo at 7k baht pre paid per year.
200b month for AIS unlimited 4g.
I don't see what the issue is with these dirt cheap prices.