Why would they be taxed in UK when you are non resident and the pension provider is using an NT tax code provided by hmrc?
I think a lot of expats never completed their P85. I couldn’t wait to fill mine in 555
Picking funds is easy as long as you're not a total dope. Picking the right wrapper is not always so simple: pension, isa, unit trust, oeic, eis, vct....
Investment bonds are not even available to retail people any more.
I met many clients with cars better than mine but i had far more assets and they were decades older too
I got to see what not to do, so that was invaluable!
It sure is.
Just 6% pa is absolutely great and more than i could ever spend.
And when you retire, you just disinvest?? You just waste the next 30 years being in cash?
I sure don't need to work but i work for me, not the man. Nice that its rather lucrative and a few hours a day at my leisure.
I took a year off work in my 30's as the private bank i worked for had a restrictive covenant for 12 months. Brain turned to mush - didn't feel good. Way too young to stop work. I feel the same now to some degree.
Inflation is the enemy for us in our 40's. You have to be well invested for real growth, but at a certain monetary level it starts getting scary. But cash is a pain because its naff against inflation. Also a problem holding too much!
You have to think very long term.