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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. Of course. One leads to the other is the point. I wrote one short sentence - you've written 2 big paragraphs! Good for you.
  2. No, thats the intended outcome. What is the principal purpose of a DTA? @The Cyclist will tell us. (But only if he can find it on google 555)
  3. Beyond google - you have no idea. State pension and various witholding taxes. Booooring!
  4. I've bolded the incorrect bits. You also misunderstand the purpose of a DTA.
  5. Stick to your day job, which clearly isn't tax. I will do the same - which is!
  6. Why would they be taxed in UK when you are non resident and the pension provider is using an NT tax code provided by hmrc? I think a lot of expats never completed their P85. I couldn’t wait to fill mine in 555
  7. Picking funds is easy as long as you're not a total dope. Picking the right wrapper is not always so simple: pension, isa, unit trust, oeic, eis, vct.... Investment bonds are not even available to retail people any more.
  8. I met many clients with cars better than mine but i had far more assets and they were decades older too I got to see what not to do, so that was invaluable!
  9. Peculiar for an adult to write very very. Content was dross so irrelevant. Crack on whingers 555
  10. I haven't counted but must be up 2 million baht this week. Yay!
  11. Last time he had a natural boner it was 72 to the pound.
  12. It sure is. Just 6% pa is absolutely great and more than i could ever spend. And when you retire, you just disinvest?? You just waste the next 30 years being in cash?
  13. Americans and their ranting politics are quite boring 555
  14. True investors? ...hmmm Same traders who never seem to beat the index?
  15. You get salty when you're wrong, eh?
  16. Elite. On the basis of paying for it 555
  17. You seem sensible. But that sentence isn't.
  18. Maybe for your visa, but not for mine.
  19. I sure don't need to work but i work for me, not the man. Nice that its rather lucrative and a few hours a day at my leisure. I took a year off work in my 30's as the private bank i worked for had a restrictive covenant for 12 months. Brain turned to mush - didn't feel good. Way too young to stop work. I feel the same now to some degree. Inflation is the enemy for us in our 40's. You have to be well invested for real growth, but at a certain monetary level it starts getting scary. But cash is a pain because its naff against inflation. Also a problem holding too much! You have to think very long term.
  20. Best to ignore some of these fools. There are many here. The 'what if' gang.
  21. And still wrong. Fundamental purpose of DTA is ....?? Does nobody know!
  22. Indeed! Global financial crisis in 2007.
  23. As ever, wrong. People not understanding the fundamental purpose of a DTA.
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