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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. You only need to reset a code if you have one! ...usually engine management light on dash would illuminate if you do. Even still, he is making an assumption though that you cannot reset codes.
  2. You got all upset when i mentioned i like to live in a condo development where i feel proud to live. It was a remark aimed at nobody. You played the big man and called me out. And here we are. Look at the mess this got you into 555 Learn your lesson.
  3. You still following me? get your own life instead. Always the broke folk with the biggest chip-on-shoulder.
  4. Center condo is 33 years old (near tuk com). I think this is an indicator of how they age. This is somewhere i could never live. I'm sure there are nice individual units though that have been fully refurbed.
  5. Never heard of saranchol, so had a nosey. Its not expensive per sqm, its just they are 250 sqm condo's. Obviously filled with affluent folks. Makes a huge difference compared to living amongst struggling retirees and their rusty mopeds. Its an outlier. Still looks rather dated though. No doubt that cliff one is the same, even without looking.
  6. Either way you will still look weird
  7. Had a great one called obdeleven for my Audi TT. Specifically for VAG group. Could do crazy stuff like throttle body resets and customise settings. Live data mapping too.
  8. AA meetings for you.
  9. Microfibre underwear.
  10. Weather, food, socialising opportunities, desire to own nothing physical. Cost of living/ geo-arbitrage is the cherry on the big fat cake.
  11. Alcoholic too. Don't undersell yourself!
  12. If you are non resident you should have a NT tax code.
  13. When you became non uk tax resident, you were expected to tell hmrc via form P85. I guess you didn't??
  14. I've done this myself ...with emirates too! Input my shortened name, instead of passport name. Lady at check-in said no problem but be careful doing it again.
  15. I had a nose job (rhinoplasty) when i was 21. Privately funded of course.
  16. Wow, excellent mate. I know nothing about trading but a fair bit about UK wealth management.
  17. Perfect. Are you in the industry?
  18. I know quite a few. They are all pretty affluent. They all invest heavily, in exactly the same funds/wrappers as their clients. Some people have more complex needs than others. Then there is tax planning of course.
  19. You missed off the Q
  20. Very smart. Every thread you make will have the same outcome.
  21. Why - because you are expected to 'give before take' People troll you because they hate your approach.
  22. People get annoyed at your posts because ....you are meant to start with your experiences and thoughts first.
  23. Quoting myself! Invitation from elite visa, today...
  24. Of course! 🤣 🤥🤥🤥
  25. I don't care if you're low budget, but my god you are seething that i'm not. Look at what you write. You're an old man full of hate.
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